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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Condensation Water Drain Hose,
Only one condensation water drain hose is installed in this ve‐
On vehicles with heating (without A/C system), a sealing plug
is installed to seal the opening on the body center tunnel (no
condensation water hose is present).
There is no valve and no door at the end of the condensation
water hose -C-.
♦ For complaints of moisture in passenger compartment, check
the following as well as condensation water drain:
– Plenum chamber water drain. Refer to
⇒ “4.10 Plenum Chamber Water Drain, Checking and Clean‐
– Plenum chamber cover and cover for fresh air intake housing
for correct installation and damage. Refer to
⇒ “5.12 Fresh Air Intake Cover“, page 142
– Dust and pollen filter for soiling and correct installation. Refer
⇒ “5.9 Dust and Pollen Filter“, page 138
– Forced air extraction vents in luggage compartment. Refer to
⇒ “4.9 Passenger Compartment Forced Air Extraction, Check‐
– Activation and function of back pressure door. Refer to
⇒ “2.10 Air Flow Door Motor V71 , Function“, page 62
recirculating air door
⇒ “5.8.5 Recirculation Door Motor V113 “, page 135
hicle diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B-
under "Guided Fault Finding".
♦ Also, if there is a complaint about moisture in the passenger
compartment that only occurs when the is A/C compressor is
switched on and under certain environmental conditions,
check the output temperature of air from the evaporator using
Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -
VAS5051B- under "Guided Fault Finding".
– Guided Fault Finding, in “read measured values block“, select
the measured value for evaporator vent temperature sensor -
G263- .
– Check output temperature of air at evaporator under condi‐
tions reported by customer or at the following setting on the
Climatronic control module -J255- , “Auto“ operating mode, A/
C compressor switched on (control light in
button lights
up), temperature setting “Cold“, middle fresh air blower speed
at a voltage of approximately 7 volts on the Fresh Air Blower
-V2- , fresh air mode (indicator light “recirculation button“ does
not light up) and open instrument panel vents, the air vent
temperature at the evaporator.
– If the evaporator vent temperature sensor -G263- measured
value is too low (colder than 0 ºC for a long period of time when
the ambient temperature is above 0 °C) or too high (even
though the A/C is working correctly, for example: higher than
10 °C), correct the cause for the difference. Follow the proce‐
dure for checking the cooling output. Refer to
⇒ “4.2 A/C Unit, Checking Cooling Output“, page 79
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning