Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Air guide in air conditioner and in vehicle; refer to
⇒ “2.13 Air Guide In Evaporator Housing“, page 68
⇒ “2.14 Air Guide In Air Distribution Housing“, page 69
Heating & A/C unit, removing and installing; refer to
The structure of the heater is basically the same as the A/C
unit but there are differences because various components
are not present
⇒ “2.4 Heater Components“, page 9
1 - A/C Unit With Evaporator
❑ May only be removed
when refrigerant circuit
has been discharged;
bring vehicle to a work‐
shop that has the nec‐
essary tools and in
which the work can be
performed accordingly
by qualified personnel.
Refer to⇒ Refrigerant
R134a Servicing; Rep.
Gr. 00 ; General Infor‐
mation .
❑ Heating and A/C unit,
removing and installing,
refer to
❑ Heating and A/C unit,
disassembling and as‐
sembling; refer to
❑ Clean air conditioning
system evaporator with
Ultrasound A/C Cleaner
-VAS 6189- . Refer to
2 - Defroster Door Motor -
❑ With Defroster Door Mo‐
tor Position Sensor -
G135- .
❑ Lever color identifica‐
tion: blue.
❑ Removing and Installing, refer to
⇒ “5.8.3 Defroster Door Motor V107 “, page 131
3 - Left Footwell Vent Temperature Sensor -G261-
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.20.2 Left Footwell Vent Temperature Sensor G261 “, page 184
4 - Central Air Door Motor -V70-
❑ With Central Door Motor Position Sensor -G112- .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
2. Description and Operation