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Central Air Door Motor -V70- / -V145-
with Central Door Motor Position Sensor -G112-
Depending on the version of the Climatronic control module -
J255- , the Central Air Door Motor (with Central Door Motor
Position Sensor -G112- ) may be designated as Front Air Dis‐
tribution Motor -V145- (with Front Air Distribution Motor Posi‐
tion Sensor -G470- ) in On Board Diagnostic (OBD).
You can check the adjustment motor's function via the “output
diagnostic test mode“ using Vehicle diagnosis, testing and in‐
formation system -VAS5051B- in the "Guided Fault Finding"
function or check it without a tester as follows: if not using a
tester, connect both contacts 5 and 6 on the adjustment mo‐
tor's connector to a 12 volt DC source. The adjustment motor
will move in one direction up until the stop, and will reverse
direction if the plus and minus contacts are switched. Use an
adapter cable. Refer to
⇒ “1.7 Adapter Cable for Activating Control Motors“,
Perform a basic setting to the A/C (heating) system after in‐
stalling a new motor using Vehicle diagnosis, testing and
information system -VAS5051B- in the "Guided Fault Finding"
Using the functions “Output diagnostic test mode“ and “Basic
setting“, the activation of A/C system electrical components
can be tested if necessary (e.g. allocation test) using Vehicle
diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
– Remove instrument panel (central tube remains installed). Re‐
fer to ⇒ Body Interior; Rep. Gr. 70 ; Removal and Installation .
– Reach through opening between left side of A/C unit and cen‐
tral tube (instrument panel cross member) and disconnect
connector -A-.
– Mark connector -A- if necessary (to rule out an interchange in
the event several connectors are disconnected at the same
– Remove bolts -B-.
– Remove control motor -C-.
– Insert stub -D- into socket -E-.
Reinstall all removed components in the opposite sequence while
observing the following:
– Install the wiring harness so that it cannot come in contact with
any moving parts (e.g. the actuating arm of the control motor).
– Check Climatronic control module -J255- DTC memory and
erase any possible displayed malfunctions using Vehicle di‐
agnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
– Perform a basic setting and output diagnostic test on the A/C
(heater) and check the DTC memory one more time. Refer to
Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -
VAS5051B- in the "Guided Fault Finding" function.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning