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3 - Drive Plate
❑ The overload protection (securing spring elements), takes over when the torque is excessive (for exam‐
ple, if the A/C compressor runs with resistance) and the belt pulley runs freely without driving the A/C
❑ Drive plate spring elements damp vibrations and noise.
4 - Spacer
5 - Circlip
❑ Replace
❑ Install on proper side, beveled insertion edge -A- faces away from A/C compressor (install flat side facing
the A/C compressor).
❑ When installing circlip, note that it cannot be bent open more than is necessary for installation.
6 - Belt Pulley With Double Belt Guide
❑ Clean A/C compressor flange before sliding on pulley.
❑ With rubber elements -B- and threaded plates -C- for decoupling belt pulley from A/C compressor input
shaft (rubber elements damp vibrations and noise).
7 - A/C Compressor
❑ Different versions may be installed, depending on engine version and country version of vehicle. Refer
to Electronic Parts Catalog (ETKA).
❑ Clean A/C compressor flange before sliding on pulley.
Replacing a version 2 belt pulley (installed in 4 or 6 cylinder en‐
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning