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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Remove the center noise insulation (for example, on 2.0L TFSI
and 3.2L MPI vehicle, the connector is not accessible from the
top). Refer to⇒ Body Exterior; Rep. Gr. 66 ; Removal and
Installation .
Test Sequence
– Disconnect electrical connector -B- on A/C Compressor Reg‐
ulator Valve -N280- -A-.
– Re-establish the connection between connector -A- and con‐
nector -B- on A/C compressor regulator valve using an adapter
cable from Connector test kit -V.A.G 1594 C- .
The activation of the A/C compressor regulator valve and the
current that flows through the A/C compressor regulator valve,
and which the Climatronic control module -J255- measure, are
displayed on the Climatronic control module measured values
block. Check using Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information
system -VAS5051B- under "Guided Fault Finding".
An adapter cable can also be used for this test. To do this, e.g.
use one connector each -A- and -B- (part number 1J0 973 702
and 1J0 973 802 and relevant terminal contacts), two standard
sockets for banana connectors -C- and two wires with 0.5 mm
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
4. Diagnosis and Testing