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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 - Air Distribution Housing For
❑ Different version for
heating and A/C, refer to
the Electronic Parts Cat‐
alog (ETKA).
2 - Screw
3 - Air Guide Channel To Left
Footwell Vent
❑ Different versions. Re‐
fer to Electronic Parts
Catalog (ETKA).
❑ “Heater“ version (with‐
out an opening for in‐
stalling a temperature
4 - Heater Core For Heater Unit
❑ Removing and instal‐
ling, refer to
5 - Sealing Ring
❑ Replace
❑ Coat thinly with coolant
and insert on proper
side. Refer to
6 - Clip
❑ Replace
❑ Ensure it is seated cor‐
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.14 Heater Core“, page 144
7 - Screw
❑ Tightening specification 2.5 Nm
8 - Coolant Pipes
❑ Disconnect and connect from heater core. Refer to
⇒ “5.14 Heater Core“, page 144
9 - Foam Spacer
❑ Installed between grommet and heater.
10 - Grommet
❑ Install in the back of the plenum chamber before installing the heater, refer to
11 - Air Guide Channel
❑ Air guide channel, disassembling and assembling, refer to
⇒ “4.3 Air Guide Channel“, page 22
12 - Dust and Pollen Filter
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.9 Dust and Pollen Filter“, page 138
❑ Follow the replacement intervals. Refer to Maintenance Intervals; Rep. Gr. 03.
❑ Vehicles without A/C (with heating only) have dust and pollen filter without an activated charcoal insert.
Refer to the Electronic Parts Catalog (ETKA) and
⇒ “1.12 Dust and Pollen Filter with Activated Charcoal Insert“, page 33
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
4. Disassembly and Assembly