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Passenger Compartment Forced Air Ex‐
traction, Checking
For forced air extraction, one ventilation frame -A- each is in‐
stalled on left and right.
Forced air extraction vent frames -A- are removed and instal‐
led from the outside (with the bumper cover removed).
On the Audi TT Roadster, the ventilation openings -B- in the
rear lid trim -A- must not be covered by any objects when the
rear lid is closed.
Checking the ventilation openings in the luggage compartment
trim panel
– Check air duct through left and right luggage compartment trim
ventilation openings -A- to both vent frames -B- in luggage
compartment (left and right) for throughput.
To ensure proper function of passenger compartment ventila‐
tion, vent openings -A- in luggage compartment trim on left
and right must not be sealed.
Closed ventilation slits in luggage compartment trim -A- or
plugged air ducts to vent frames -B- can cause windows to fog.
This illustration shows the luggage compartment in an Audi TT
Coupe. On the Audi TT Roadster, air is guided out of the pas‐
senger compartment to the ventilation openings -A-, through
the convertible top compartment and via the vent slits that are
installed in the upper left and right luggage compartment trim.
Check forced air extraction vent frames from inside
– Remove luggage compartment trim (left and right). Refer to⇒
Body Interior; Rep. Gr. 70 ; Removal and Installation .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning