STN EN 303-5:2012
Heating boilers for solid fuels
STN 73 42 10
Construction of the chimneys and flue connections
STN 92 0300
Fire safety of the local appliances and heat sources
STN EN 60 335.1 +A11
Safety of the electrical appliances for household
STN 06 10 00
Local appliances for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
STN 06 03 10
Central heating, projecting and installation
STN 06 08 30
Safety devices for central heating and D.H.W. preparation
STN 07 74 01
Water and steam for thermal energetic devices with operation
pressure of steam up to 8 MPa
STN 332000 4-46
Electrical installations of buildings – part 4: Ensuring safety
STN 332000–3
Electrical installations of buildings – part 3: Definition of the basic
STN EN ISO 11202:2009
Measuring the emissions levels of the acoustic pressure at
a workplace and other precisely defined places.
STN EN ISO 12100-2:2004
Safety of machines. General principles of construction of machines,
Part 2: Technical principles.
STN EN 953+A1
Safety of machines – protection covers.
STN ISO 27574-2
Acoustics. Statistical methods for definition and verification of the
determined values. Noise emission of machines and devices. Part 2:
Methods for particular of machines.
STN ISO 1819: 1993
Devices for fluent cargo transport. Safety prescriptions.
ČSN 06 1008:1997
Fire safety of thermal appliances.
STN EN ISO 15614-1
Requirements for quality of the fusion welding of metal materials
STN EN 287-1
Welding of reserved technical devices
STN 07 0240
Low pressure boilers, technical prescriptions
STN 07 0245
Warm water boiler with the output up to 50 kW. Technical
requirements, testing
STN 07 7401
Water and steam for heat energy devices with the steam operating
overpressure up to 8 MPa.
STN 73 4210
Manufacturing the chimneys and flue ways and connection of
STN 92 0300:1997
Minimum distance of the external surface of the appliance or flue
way from the building constructions