Turning on the controller is signalized by a brief switching on all the light indicators on display
to enable to check their status. If the regulator gets suddenly disconnected from electricity
mains (e.g. by power failure), it is switched to the last mode used, when the failure occurred. All
the settings made are saved even after the power failure.
The basic setting of the controller is the adjustment of the boiler temperature by the knob. Other
functions are controlled adequately to the service parameters set in the service menu.
The boiler is turned on by pressing the START (17) button that starts the fan. The STOP (16)
button switches the boiler off by turning the fan off.
The sign displayed behind the numeric temperature indication (7) is related to the current
mode of the PID PROFI regulator:
[50°–] – indicates the stand-by mode
[50 °C] – indicates the winter operating mode
[50 °C] – indicates the winter operating mode when the boiler temperature is achieved
[50°U] – indicates summer operating mode intended only for D.H.W. preparation
[50°u] – indicates summer operating mode when the boiler temperature is achieved
[70°d] – indicates mode of elimination the legionella bacteria, when the temperature of D.H.W.
is increased to 75 °C
[50°P] – indicates that regulator is blocked by pellet burner of the COMBI PELLET boiler
The PROFI PID regulator has an advantage of regulating the flue gas temperature to the required
The controller struggles to achieve the adjusted flue gas temperature and after it is achieved, the
required boiler temperature is to be reached. Thereby is the fuel used in the best way and the
high efficiency is achieved.
When loading the fuel, it is necessary to hold the START button (for approximately 3 sec.).
Rotations of the fan are increased to 100 %. Therefore it is ensured that the flue gas created in
the loading chamber is sufficiently sucked and no smoke gets into the boiler room. The fan gets
back to the regulation of rotations after the period defined by the parameter Md3.