Boiler installation
Only a person with valid authorization for installation and assembly of the heat technology
devices can install the boiler. The installation requires an appropriate project that is in line with
the valid prescriptions and this instruction manual. Before installing the boiler must the
technician check, if the data given on the production label are in conformity with the data in the
project and the documentation attached to the boiler. The boiler must be connected in line with
the valid prescriptions, regulations and this instruction manual.
The producer takes no responsibility for damages caused by wrong connection or
Placing the boiler
The boiler is intended to be installed
and operated in the premises with the basic environment
(AA5/AB5) following the STN 33 2000-3 norm. By the boiler installation it is necessary to keep the
safety distance of its surface from flammable materials according to their degree of flammability:
from materials of the flammability degree B, C1 and C2
200 mm
from materials of the flammability degree C3
400 mm
from materials of the flammability degree not approved by the STN 73 0853
400 mm
Examples of classification of the building materials by their degree of flammability:
degree of flammability A inflammable (bricks, blocks, ceramic tiles, mortar, parging)
degree of flammability B partly flammable (heraklith, lignos, board from basalt felt, novodur)
degree of flammability C1 difficult to ignite (hardwood (oak, beech), plywood, werzalit,
hardened paper)
degree of flammability C2 normal combustibility (softwood (pine, spruce), chipboard,
degree of flammability C3 easily ignited (wood fibre boards, polyurethane, PVC, foam rubber,
The sealing board or protection covering (on the protected item) must exceed the boiler edge
for at least 300 mm. Also other items from flammable materials must be protected in this way, if
they are placed near the boiler and it is not possible to keep the safe distance.
If the boiler stands on a flammable surface, it must be protected by an inflammable, heat
insulating mat, which exceeds the edge on the side of the feeding door and the ash tray door for
at least 100 mm. All materials of the A flammability degree can be used as an inflammable, heat
insulating mat.
The boiler must be placed in a such way ensuring sufficient space of at least 1 m from the front
and 0,5 m from the left (right) and rear side. It is necessary to leave the space of at least 1 m
above the boiler.
This space is necessary for basic operation, maintenance and eventual service of the boiler. It is
not allowed to place the boiler in dwelling premises (including corridors). There must be an
opening for the air inlet for burning of at least 200 cm
depending on the boiler output.
The items from flammable materials must not be laid on the boiler and in the
distance shorter than the permitted (safe) one. The boiler must be turned off, if there is
a danger of fire or explosion due to the work (e.g. work with painting materials, glues, etc.).