Installation, heat-up test and user training must be performed by the technician trained by
producer. The technician must fill the protocol about the installation of the boiler.
By gasification of wood it comes to creation of tar and condensates (acids) in the fuel tank.
Due to this there must be a mixing device installed behind the boiler to keep the minimum
temperature of return water at 65 °C. The temperature of water in the boiler during its
operation must be within the range of 80 – 90 °C.
The boiler must not be permanently operated within the output lower than 50 %.
If the circuit pump is being used, its operation must be controlled by a separate thermostat
to ensure the prescribed minimum temperature of the return water.
Ecological boiler operation is related to its nominal output.
It is recommended to install the boiler together with the accumulation tank and mixing
device. This ensures the fuel saving of 20–30% and longer lifetime of the boiler and chimney.
If it is not possible to connect the boiler to the accumulation tank, it should be connected
with at least one equalization tank with the volume of approximately 25 l / 1 kW of the
boiler´s output.
By the operation with lower output (summer operation and D.H.W. preparation) it is
necessary to heat the boiler up every day.
Only the dry fuel of 12–20 % moisture can be used (by the higher moisture of fuel is the
boiler output decreased and its consumption increased).
The DPX boiler liner is equipped with the tubular exchanger, except of the 15 DPX boiler.
Tubes in the exchanger of the 15 DPX are cleaned by an appropriate kit delivered together
with the boiler.
Due to the economical operation and correct functionality it necessary to choose an
appropriate boiler output. The nominal output of the boiler has to be adequate to the
temperature loss of the heated object.
The boiler must be used only for the purpose that it is intended for and only in the way
given in this manual.
– After disconnecting the boiler from electricity mains there is still fuel
burning. Do not open the boiler door until the temperature decreases below 40 °C.
The warranty for the boiler is not valid:
if it is not operated with the prescribed fuel – i.e. wood with the moisture lower than 20 %
if no mixing device Regumat ATTACK-OVENTROP is installed in the system to ensure the
return water temperature of at least 65 °C during the boiler operation