[Pc --]
Interval of unlock function of circuit pump
–when controller is in the stand-by mode or
the room thermostat is disconnected, the circuit pump is started for 30 seconds after each [Pc --]
minutes to prevent the pump blockage caused by its inactivity. The unlock pump function is not
active, when the Pc is set to „- -“.
[ur 0]
Operation of the additional output
– this parameter defines the operating mode of the
additional output (pump for D.H.W. tank or accumulation tank warming).
[ur 0] Additional output without function –
defines that the additional output and pump are
not connected and the additional output is not used in this case.
[ur 1]
Priority D.H.W. tank warming
– by this setting is the pump for D.H.W. tank warming
connected to the additional output and the sensor of D.H.W. is connected to the additional inlet.
Then, if the temperature in the D.H.W. tank decreases under the value of hysteresis
[uh 5] from the temperature adjusted [u 60], the pump of D.H.W. tank warming is started. After
the temperature in the D.H.W. tank reaches the set value [u 60], the pump is stopped. The pump
is also stopped, when the temperature in boiler is lower than the temperature in D.H.W. tank.
The [ur 1] mode means that the D.H.W. warming has priority, i.e. the pump of the heating circuit
is started after the D.H.W. is prepared.
[ur 2] Parallel charging the D.H.W. tank –
similar principle as by the
[ur 1], just the D.H.W. is
prepared by the parallel operation of the circuit pump of the heating circuit.
[ur 3]
[ur 4]
Charging the accumulation tank
– due to this setting is the additional output used as
a pump to heat the accumulation tank and the additional sensor measures its temperature.
When the temperature in the boiler exceeds the hysteresis [uh 5] over the current temperature
of accumulation tank, the pump for charging is started. The pump is stopped, when the
temperature in the boiler is same or lower than the temperature in the accumulation tank, or
when the temperature in boiler decreases under the minimum boiler temperature defined by
the parameter [L 65].
[u 30] Operating temperature of the D.H.W. tank or accumulation tank
– temperature to
control the additional output [ur ].
[uh 5]
Hysteresis of the D.H.W. tank or accumulation
– this parameter defines hysteresis of
the additional output [ur ].
[uP 5]
Boiler temperature increase by D.H.W. preparation
– this parameter is relevant, when
the additional output works under the mode of D.H.W. tank charging. It defines, for how many
degrees will the adjusted boiler temperature be higher than parameter [u 50] during the D.H.W.
tank warming.
[L 65]
Minimum boiler temperature
– defines the minimum boiler temperature that can be set
by a knob.
[H 85]
Maximum boiler temperature
– defines the maximum boiler temperature that can be
set by a knob.