VM0808T User Manual
Main Page
The Main Page displays Output Ports 1–8 and Local in sequential order across
the top. Whichever source is displaying on each output port is shown directly
beneath. From the Main Page, you can set create input-output connections that
route all signals from a selected input port to a selected output port. You can
also: Press the Audio pushbutton to go straight to the independent audio setup
page; press the Menu pushbutton to continue cycling through the menu
options; or press the Esc pushbutton to exit the display.
Video In Selection
To select which input source displays on each output port, do the following:
1. Use the navigation pushbuttons to select an output port’s corresponding
input port.
2. With the cursor [ ] on your selected input port, use the navigation
pushbuttons to cycle through the available input sources.
Options are Ports 1–8, NA (none), and L (local).
3. Press Enter to confirm your selection. The selected audio, video, and RS-
232 signal from the selected input is now tied to the selected output port.
4. Repeat steps 1–3 for all required ports.
This operation ties all three signals (audio, video, serial) from a
selected input to a selected output. For independent switching of the
audio signal, see the following section,
OUT 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 L
IN 02 L 05 05 01 01 03 04 05