CM5000 User Manual
Page 87
A.3.1.4. Starting/Stopping the remuxer
Controlling the remuxer state is performed through kyrion2RemuxerCommand table.
The following example starts the remuxer and stops it.
snmpset -v2c -c private $HOST ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2RemuxerCommandAction.1 i 4
#ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2RemuxerCommandAction.1 = INTEGER: start(4)
snmpset -v2c -c private $HOST ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2RemuxerCommandAction.1 i 5
#ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2RemuxerCommandAction.2 = INTEGER: stop(5)
A.3.1.5. Rebooting the system
The system may have to be restarted, either on support request or for some specific operations to be applied. To
perform this, the value reboot(2) must be written into kyrion2SoftwareCommandAction.
The following example performs a reboot.
snmpset -v2c -c private $HOST \
ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2SoftwareCommandAction.0 i 2
#ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2SoftwareCommandAction.0 = INTEGER: reboot(2)
A.3.1.6. Configuring communities and traps
SNMP community strings can be changed through the nodes kyrion2SnmpCommunityReadOnly and
The following example replaces both read-only and read-write communities.
Once the community strings have been changed you will need to update the community argument of
your snmp tool.
snmpset -v2c -c private $HOST \
ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2SnmpCommunityReadOnly.0 s "read-only"
#ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2SnmpCommunityReadOnly.0 = STRING: read-only
snmpset -v2c -c private $HOST \
ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2SnmpCommunityReadWrite.0 s "read/write"
#ATEME-KYRION2-MIB::kyrion2SnmpCommunityReadWrite.0 = STRING: read/write
The CM5000 can send SNMP traps on pre-defined events to up to four targets. The trap targets are defined in the
list kyrion2SnmpManager.