Also the coordinate memory can be set by manuel one by one. To save the coordinate points in memory press
“ZERO” button, enter the memory number and press “ENTER” . To enter to X coordinate press “Sx”, to enter to
Y coordinate press “Ys” , to enter Z coordinate press “Sx” and to enter Z coordinate press “Sw” button and
enter the coordinate value by numeric buttons.
When you are in ABS mode if you press “.” button 10 times all coordinate points memory will be zero.
You can receive the coordinate points by buttons.
The coordinate points in memory get reference the “absolute” operation mode.
In Absolute mode the values:
X: 10,000
Y: 0,000
Z: -10,000
On 10th coordinate point memory
X: 20,000
Y: 20,000
Z:20,000 coordinate points
are set;
After turning to
ABS screen, when
you add 5 mm for
each axis: