ATCOM AT-323 IP Net Phone User Manual (V Released 1.25)
Shenzhen ATCOM Co., Ltd.
Set time limit between dialing two numbers.
set postdialtime X
Set time limit from dialing the last number to placing a call.
If the next number is not dialed within the post dial time limit,
then the phone will call the dialed number auto. X ranged from
set audiotype X
Set audio type. X is ranged from 0 through 5: 0: G.711U; 1:
G.711A; 2: G.723.1; 3: G.729 4; 4: G.729A; 5: G.729AB.
set audioframes X
Set audio frames in RTP package. X is an Arabic numerals between
0 and 7.
k X
With G.7231, set ATCOM IP phone to use 6.3K rate or not. X
is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: use 6.3K rate; 1: use 5.3K rate.
set vad X
Enable/disable VAD. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable
VAD; 1: enable VAD.
set agc X
Enable/disable AGC. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable
AGC; 1: enable AGC.
set aec X
Enable/disable AEC. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable