This is the manual you’re reading now. It contains information on every
aspect of the CMS operation and administration, from understanding CMS to
“ What’s in This Manual” previews the structure and
contents of the system manual, and offers suggestions on the best ways to
use it.
What’s in This Manual
The MERLIN II Communications System Manual for the Call Management System is
intended for the supervisor or administrator who oversees the setup and
operation of CMS. Here you’ll find an overall description of the system — all
the concepts, procedures, and other information you’ll need to make the most
of CMS in your business. This information is organized as follows:
This section previews the contents of the manual and
explains what the special symbols and typefaces mean.
This section of the manual describes key CMS
concepts such as line groups, agent splits, intraflow, and call
You’ll also find a description of how Bon Voyage Travel, a
hypothetical business, uses CMS.
This section provides instructions on how to
make a duplicate of the CMS diskette and install the CMS software,
depending on whether you are using the 3 1/2 inch disk for the 6300 WGS
or the two 5 1/4 inch disks for either the 6300 WGS or the PC 6300. (If
you have not already installed the hardware, do so according to the
instructions in the MERLIN II Communications System Installation and Getting
Started Guide for the Call Management System. )
This section tells you how to use your personal
computer (PC) to perform the administration activities that get CMS up
and running. These include identifying agents, identifying CMS lines,
and building at least one shift configuration (an arrangement of line
groups and agent splits for call management).
This section also describes other administration tasks that can be done at
any time. These include setting options and exception thresholds to alert
you of unusual and undesirable situations, and making a backup copy of
your shift configuration(s). A menu map shows you the relationship of
the administration screens.
This section discusses the administrator’s
responsibilities with regard to CMS, such as setting up the attendant
From the information in this section, you’ll also learn how to activate a
configuration, monitor system status, and dynamically reconfigure the
system. Dynamic reconfiguration involves changing the configuration that
is currently being used to manage calls, for example, moving an agent
from one split to another. A menu map shows you the screens you’ll be
1-2 How to Use the CMS Documents