Flow Out
Avg Talk Time
Avg After Call
Num Xfr Calls
Num Other
Avg Talk Other
Avg Num Pos
The total number of completed calls intraflowed
out of this split and answered by agents in
another split during a given hour.
The average amount of time (in minutes and
seconds) agents in the split spent on an ACD call.
The average includes time a call may have been
placed on hold by an agent. Calls still in progress
at the end of the hour are included in the next
hour’s data. (The figure in the totals line under
this column should be identical to the Avg Talk
Time total in the Daily Agent Split Summary.)
The average time (in minutes and seconds) agents
spent in the primary after-call-work state for each
ACD call during a given hour. The average
includes time only for completed ACW sessions
following completed ACD calls. The average does
not include time spent on the phone while in the
ACW state. (The figure in the totals line under
this column should be identical to the Avg After
Call total in the Daily Agent Split Summary.)
The number of ACD calls transferred by an agent.
The number of calls not related to CMS that are
completed by agents in the split during a given
hour. The total includes data from both Day and
Night service. (The figure in the totals line under
this column should be identical to the Num Other
Calls total in the Daily Agent Split Summary.)
The average amount of time (in minutes and
seconds) spent on calls not related to CMS work
by agents in the split during a given hour. The
total includes data from both Day and Night
service. (The figure in the totals line under this
column should be identical to the Avg Talk Other
total in the Daily Agent Split Summary.)
The average number of agent positions (to the
nearest “tenth of an agent”) staffed during a given
hour. The average is determined by dividing the
total amount of time all agents in the split are
logged in by 60 minutes.
G-18 CMS Reports