When inserting the diskette, the label of the diskette should face upwards,
and the notch in the side of the diskette (5 1/4 inch diskette) should be on
the left. When you hear a click, indicating that the diskette has been fully
inserted, press down the latch on drive A until you feel the latch lock.
The procedure is essentially the same whether you are using the
5 1/4 inch floppies or the 3 1/2 inch diskette. However, if you are using
the 5 1/4 inch floppies, insert the diskette labeled “1 of 2“ at this first step.
When you are ready, press any key.
The red in-use light on disk drive A comes on while the system is reading
the source diskette.
Do not remove a diskette from the drive while the red in-use
light is on.
When the system has read the first part of the diskette, this message is
Insert TARGET diskette in drive A:
Strike any key when ready . . .
When the red in-use light on drive A is off, remove the source diskette,
insert the blank diskette, and press any key. This diskette is the “target”
diskette, the diskette on which the information is being copied. The in-
use light comes on while the system is copying the source diskette onto
the target diskette. If the blank diskette is not formatted, the message,
Formatting While Copying
appears on the screen.
Depending on the amount of memory on your PC, the system may
prompt you to swap diskettes during diskcopy.
When the copying process is finished, you see:
Copying complete
Copy another diskette (Y/N)?
If you are using the 3 1/2 inch diskette, type
You don’t need to press
If you are copying the 5 1/4 inch diskettes, type
Then insert the second
diskette (labeled “2 of 2“ ). (After it has been completely copied, type n
and go on to the next step).
When the
prompt appears, remove the duplicate diskette, prepare an
appropriate label, such as “CMS Duplicate Copy,” and apply the label to
the diskette.
Label the 5 1/4 inch diskettes “CMS Duplicate Copy 1” and “CMS
Duplicate Copy 2,” respectively.
Store each original diskette in a safe place.
You are now ready to install the CMS software.
3-4 Duplicating the CMS Diskette Duplicate