7.Select "Modem image" and "Configuration", click "upgrade"
8.Then click the button "Ok" to start upgrade firmware.
9.Wait about 40 seconds for the file to be sent to the router and the modem will then auto reboot.
10.After modem reboot go into router configuration via console or telnet or via http and choose System Maintenance and
then Factory Default Configuration.
11.After this all configurations of the modem will be cleared, and the modem's ip will become ""
12.Modify you PC's ip to the same subnet with modem or modify the modem's ip via rs-232 console.
13.Open browser to access modem, the username is "adsl",password is "adsl1234"
14.Configure the modems Channel.
6.7 BSP
This should only really be of interest if your router is refusing to synch with the line. The symptoms are that the Status LED
on the front of the router just keeps on flashing. You’ve checked the cable and the line and they’re okay.
If this happens then it might be that your line is using a non-standard ADSL mode. Normally UK ADSL lines use G.DMT
protocol however, occasionally if you have an RADSL line (Rate-adaptive ADSL) then your line might be a different
protocol. However, by default the Asus routers are set to use G.DMT protocol only. We set the routers this way to reduce
the amount of time taken by the router to synch with your line.
To get around this problem you need to configure your router to use ‘auto bsp mode’. When set to auto your router will
automatically try all the different protocols until it finds a match with your line. The only down side of doing this is that
synching will take a bit longer to achieve; however, since you only connect to your line the first time you switch the router
on then it doesn’t matter too much if it takes an extra minute or so to connect.
To change your router to use bsp mode auto you need to access the router using Telnet: For Win9x/Me you do
Start/Run/Telnet to start telnet but if unsure how to do this then talk to your dealer or software guru!.
Connect via telnet and enter your user name and password.
Then from the menu select option 9 (Exit User Mode...).
Now enter the command ‘bsp mode auto’...