11. Finally enter a valid web site name on the ‘Address’ line e.g. www.solwise.co.uk! It should work!!
5.2 Fault diagnosis script when you can’t get on to the internet (a more detailed
1. Is your modem/router actually connected to the ADSL line?
Check the STATUS light. Is it flashing or on full. If flashing then this means you haven’t got a connection to the DSLAM at
the local exchange.
Things to check:
I. Cable okay
plugged in right?
not going via an alternative route e.g. a patch panel?
II. Check the Modulation
it should be G.dmt BUT might need to be ANSI.
To change Asus to use ANSI then you need to drop into CLI mode (via HyperTerminal or Telnet option 9).
Then enter
bsp mode ANSI
config save
Reset router....
We had one Asus customer who had to do switch debug mode on so..
bsp mode ANSI
bsp debug on
config save
Reset router....
III. Have you really got ADSL on the line?
IV. Lastly faulty router (but very unlikely – more likely line not set-up right by ISP/BT).
2. Have you got a connection to your ISP?
How can you tell?
On the Asus router go into the web configuration and select Statistics/PPP. Then click on Status.
Check the IPCP settings: