The main window shows a short cut menu in the lower area with useful functions when
using the VIDEO MODE. Depending on the camera mounted on the AscTec Falcon 8
this section shows different short cuts. By pressing LEFT and RIGHT on the Status
Display you can switch between the short cuts. By pressing
the shown short cut is
activated and you can change the respective value by pressing LEFT and RIGHT.
deactivates the short cut and lets you switch to a different short cut by
pressing LEFT and RIGHT.
The VIDEO MODE can be de-activated by pressing ESC, while the main window is displayed.
The CABLECAM MODE changes the reaction of the flight system to control commands. It is similar
to a cable cam, because the flight direction is independent from the orientation of the flight system.
The standard control mode is always referenced on the AscTec Falcon 8, i.e. pushing the RIGHT
CONTROL STICK to the front means the AscTec Falcon 8 flies forward. If the system is pointing away
from you, a forward command means the system flies away from you. If the system is pointing
towards you, a forward command means it will come closer.
In the CABLECAM MODE the control mode is ground referenced. As soon as the CABLECAM MODE
is activated, the AscTec Falcon 8 will lock its current orientation as “forward”, regardless of the
orientation of the AscTec Falcon 8.
Example: If you activate the CABLECAM MODE and give a forward command, the system will fly
away from you, regardless of which direction it is straightened.
This function is perfect in combination with the Independent Camera Control, because the pilot can
easily concentrate on the position of the AscTec Falcon 8 – even if the camera man is changing the
orientation of flight system.
The CABLECAM MODE can only be activated while you are in the Video Mode and the GPS Mode is
activated. Hence please activate the Video Mode first. By pressing the LEFT or RIGHT buttons you
need to switch to the “CABLE CAM” short cut. As soon as the AscTec Falcon 8 is pointing in your
desired “forward direction”, press the
and it will lock this orientation. Now the Status on the
lower area of the Status Display shows
The CABLECAM MODE is automatically de-activated, when no inputs are made by the CONTROL
sticks for several seconds. This “CableCam Timeout” can be changed at MAIN > CAMERA
SETTINGS > CABLECAM TIMEOUT. The default setting is 4 seconds. The de-activation of the
CABLECAM MODE is signalized by an acoustic signal tone and a notification message will show up
for some seconds.
Another way of de-activating the CABLECAM MODE is by pressing
or by deactivating the Video
Mode (pressing the