Events and Performance Monitor
Copyright © 2006-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
To access the PMXEVTYPERx Register, read or write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c13, 1 ; Read PMXEVTYPERx Register
MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c13, 1 ; Write PMXEVTYPERx Register
The absolute counts of events recorded might vary because of pipeline effects. This has
negligible effect except in cases where the counters are enabled for a very short time.
In addition to the counters within the processor, most of the events that
shows are available to the ETM unit or other external trace hardware to enable monitoring of
the events. For information on how to monitor these events, see the
CoreSight ETM-R4
Technical Reference Manual
c9, Event Count Registers
The processor has three Event Count Registers (PMC0-PMC2). Each PMC Register, as selected
by the PMSELR Register, counts instances of an event selected by the corresponding
PMXEVTYPER Register. The value in PMSELR determines access to these registers.
Each PMXEVCNTR Register is:
A 32-bit read/write register.
Accessible in:
Privileged mode
User mode only when the PMUSERENR.EN bit is set to 1, see
To access the current Event Count Registers, read or write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c13, 2 ; Read current PMNx Register
MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c9, c13, 2 ; Write current PMNx Register
c9, User Enable Register
The PMUSERENR Register characteristics are:
Enables User mode to have access to:
the performance monitor registers, see
the validation registers, see
Usage constraints
The PMUSERENR Register:
is a read/write register
is writable only in Privileged mode, readable in any processor mode
does not provide access to the registers that control interrupt
Available in all processor configurations.