Level One Memory System
Copyright © 2006-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
shows the tag RAM cache sizes and associated RAM organization, assuming no
parity or ECC. For parity, the width of the tag RAMs must be increased by one bit. For ECC,
the width of the tag RAMs must be increased by seven bits.
Dirty RAM
For the data cache only, the dirty RAM stores the following information:
two bits for line outer attributes for evictions
one line dirty bit
four ECC code bits if the ECC build option is selected.
The dirty RAM array consists of one bank of up to 512 12-bit lines, 4 ways x 3 bits. If ECC is
enabled, the dirty RAM is 28 bits wide. Each line of dirty RAM contains all the information of
the four ways for a given index.
Each time a dirty bit is written, the outer bits of the line and, if implemented, the ECC code bits,
are also written. The dirty RAM is bit-enabled.
shows the organization of a dirty
RAM line.
Data RAM
Data RAM is organized as eight banks of 32-bit wide lines, or in the instruction cache as four
banks of 64-bit wide lines. This RAM organization means that it is possible to:
Perform a cache look-up with one RAM access, all banks selected together. This is done
for nonsequential read operations.
shows this.
Select the appropriate bank RAM for sequential read operations.
shows this.
Table 8-7 Cache sizes and tag RAM organization
Cache size
Tag RAM organization
4 banks 23 bits 32 lines
4 banks 22 bits 64 lines
4 banks 21 bits 128 lines
4 banks 20 bits 256 lines
4 banks 19 bits 512 lines
Table 8-8 Organization of a dirty RAM line
Bit in the dirty cache line
Bits [6:3]
ECC bits, if implemented
Bits [2:1]
Outer attributes that are re-encoded on
when an eviction is sent to the AXI
01 = WB, WA
10 = WT
11 = WB, no WA
00 = Non-cacheable.
Bit [0]
Dirty bit