Auto Half Load
Auto half load saves you time and money when washing smaller loads. Water levels are
automatically adjusted to cater for the different loads.
Unbalanced Load
The machine has an inbuilt feature to prevent it spinning with an unbalanced load. This will
minimise excessive vibration and prolong the life of the machine.
Before each spin the machine 'senses' the load within the drum and if the machine considers
the load to be unbalanced, it will not automatically spin. Instead the machine will try to
redistribute the load to achieve balance by tumbling backwards and forwards.
Out of Balance Protection
The machine has an inbuilt feature to prevent spinning with an unbalanced load. A calculation
via the motor tacho and control board detects the current drawn by the motor during
These calculations are done very quickly and are unlikely to be detected by the user.
Before each spin, the controls senses the load within the drum. If the load is calculated to be out
of balance the machine will not automatically spin to the full speed. There are two levels of out
of balance, level 1 @ 480 grams and level 2 @ 1030 grams.
If the out of balance is below level 1 the machine will spin at full speed. If the out of balance is
between level 1 and level 2 the machine will spin at the reduced speed of 800 rpm and above
level 2, spin at a reduced speed of 400 rpm. There are 15 attempts at level 1, 39 attempts at
level 2 with 54 attempts in total, this being the same for both cotton and synthetic spins.
The spin programme will always be completed at a spin speed depending on the balance
The wool spin has one level of out of balance @ 1.8 kg. The controls will make three attempts
to achieve a balance, if after three attempts a balance is not achieved, the spin is reduced to a
speed of 90 rpm.