AP-700, AP-800 & AP-2000 Instruction Manual
10401-00870 Rev R
Now the DO 100% saturation point should be checked and if necessary, calibrated in damp
To Check / Calibrate the 100% DO Saturation Point in Damp Air
1. After calibrating with RapidCaL,
remove the Probe from the bottle,
wash in fresh water, then shake off
ensuring there are no droplets
adhering to the DO membrane.
2. Moisten a clean cloth or piece of
tissue paper with fresh water and
wrap it around the open end of the
probe ensuring all the holes are
covered. Place the probe on a flat
surface. Do not hold the probe, the
heat from your hands will warm the
probe up and interfere with
3. Wait until the temperature and DO measurements are
completely stable
This is
If the DO measurement is 100% +/- 1%, there is no need to
4. If recalibration is needed, refer back to the screen shown in item 5 above and select
DO 100%.
5. Wait while the Aquameter
carries out the calibration procedure.
6. When the ‘Calibrating 100%’ screen (shown above) is displayed, press OK then
ESC repeatedly to return to normal reading mode.
Finally, if you have a Turbidity electrode fitted, you should calibrate the zero point now
using fresh, still mineral water. Refer to section
16.4.7 Turbidity Zero Point Calibration .
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