AP-700, AP-800 & AP-2000 Instruction Manual
10401-00870 Rev R
9. Setup & Install
To alter the way the Aquameter
displays readings, press the
key to get to the Main
Menu, then choose
Setup & Install.
The Settings Menu will be displayed. Please note, the
'Socket Assignment' option on this screen is only accessible when a Probe is connected.
Time & Date
Socket Assignment
9.1. Setting Units of Measurement
From this screen choose
. The Units Menu will be displayed. Remember, you can use
just the arrow keys to navigate through the branches of the menus. You don’t need to press
at each level.
Units Menu
BARO/Alt & Depth
At the Units Menu, you have a choice of which units you want to adjust. Choose the first
line if you want to adjust Electrical Conductivity or TDS. Choose line 2 if you want to adjust
Temperature, pH or Salinity. Finally, line 3 will give access to Barometric Pressure, Altitude
and Depth settings.
Moving the cursor right onto the first line will display the following screen.
EC:Ref 25
TDS Fact:0.65
The first option on this screen allows you to choose how the Meter displays Electrical
Conductivity. There are four options. EC can be displayed as ‘Absolute EC’ without any
temperature correction [ABS EC], as ‘Specific EC’ referenced to 20
C [Ref 20
C], as
‘Specific EC’ referenced to 25
C [Ref 25
C] or as a reciprocal of Absolute EC, which is
Absolute Resistivity [ABS RES].
Finally, this screen allows you to set the factor that the Meter uses to calculate Total
Dissolved Solids from Specific EC. This is the TDS Fact: (TDS = EC x TDS Fact) and can
be set anywhere between 0.00 and 1.00. Default value is 0.65.
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