13.1. Device information
Device information
Device information
Device information
The details displayed here might be required when you contact our service for sup-
port. You may enter a “Device description” for easier identification, this text will be
displayed in the device list and in the data quick view.
13.2. Factory defaults
Factory defaults
Factory defaults
Factory defaults
Click the button “Reset device to factory defaults” in the aquasuite or select the
“Factory defaults” entry from the menu for a complete reset of all settings. You will
have to completely reconfigure the device after resetting it to factory defaults!
13.3. Basic RGBpx settings
Basic RGBpx settings
Basic RGBpx settings
Basic RGBpx settings
The RGBpx illumination can be completely disabled and the brightness can be re-
duced using a slider.
13.4. USB power supply
USB power supply
USB power supply
USB power supply
The VISION RGBpx module is supplied with power through the USB connection. In
default configuration, power consumption is limited to a maximum current of 0.5
Amps. This value complies with the maximum allowed current according to the
USB specification. If a large number of LED is integrated, the brightness is auto-
matically reduced accordingly.
Alternatively, the current can be limited to a higher value of 1 Amp by activating
the check box. Do not use this function unless the connected USB port is explicitly
Do not use this function unless the connected USB port is explicitly
Do not use this function unless the connected USB port is explicitly
Do not use this function unless the connected USB port is explicitly
specified for a current of at least 1 Amp by the manufacturer! If the maximum per
specified for a current of at least 1 Amp by the manufacturer! If the maximum per
specified for a current of at least 1 Amp by the manufacturer! If the maximum per
specified for a current of at least 1 Amp by the manufacturer! If the maximum per----
missible current of the USB port is exceeded, permanent damage is possible!
missible current of the USB port is exceeded, permanent damage is possible!
missible current of the USB port is exceeded, permanent damage is possible!
missible current of the USB port is exceeded, permanent damage is possible! Con-
sult the manual of your motherboard/hub for details or contact customer support
of the manufacturer/importer.
13.5. Standby behavior
Standby behavior
Standby behavior
Standby behavior
The standby settings determine, for which USB conditions the VISION RGBpx mod-
ule will enter standby mode. Depending upon configuration, different display
screens will be display during standby mode. Alarm evaluation and RGBpx illumi-
nation can be disabled for standby mode.
13.6. Firmware update and language selection (aquasuite only)
Firmware update and language selection (aquasuite only)
Firmware update and language selection (aquasuite only)
Firmware update and language selection (aquasuite only)
The most up to date firmware for all supported devices is always included in the
current version of the aquasuite software. The button “ Update firmware now” will
start the update process for the device firmware.
During the firmware update process, do not disconnect the device from the PC
and do not power down the PC! After the firmware is successfully updated, the
aquasuite software will be automatically closed.
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Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
© 2020
Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen