14. Playground (aquasuite)
Playground (aquasuite)
Playground (aquasuite)
Playground (aquasuite)
Click the entry “Playground” to configure Virtual Software Sensors, global profile
management and hotkeys.
14.1. Virtual Software Sensors
Virtual Software Sensors
Virtual Software Sensors
Virtual Software Sensors
Virtual Software Sensors can be used for extensive yet easy to use adapta-
tion and calculation of sensor values using mathematical and logical
functions as well as filters.
Create a new Virtual Software Sensor by clicking the plus symbol in the upper right
corner of the “Virtual Software Sensors” window. Each Virtual Software Sensor al-
ways has an “Out” element which will provide the resulting sensor value. In the
settings dialog of this element, the name and unit of the sensor can be configured.
You can now add data sources and function blocks to the lower area of the sensor
window and connect inputs and outputs of the blocks with lines. Connect the out-
put of the last function block with the “Out” element.
The resulting virtual sensor can be used within the aquasuite software, for example
for overview pages, additionally it may be transmitted via USB connection to con-
nected devices that feature software sensors.
The following (very simple) example calculates the average out of two tempera-
14.2. Global profiles
Global profiles
Global profiles
Global profiles
The global profile management can be used to conveniently change set-
tings in multiple devices simultaneously and activate desktop pages. Indi-
vidual actions can be defined for each of the four profiles, switching be-
tween profiles can either be done manually or automatically depending on config-
urable rules.
In order to use this feature, set up profiles within the individual device configura-
tions first. These profiles can then be activated using the global profile manage-
ment. Not every type of device supports profiles.
Buttons in the upper window area can be used to switch between global profiles.
Alternatively, the profile icon in the title bar of the aquasuite window or a profile
icon in the system tray may be used.
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Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
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Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen