ways overwrite the previously saved data, so the file always contains only the most
recent data set. Select “Automatic data export” below the “Data log” headline in
the listing to access the settings screen. Create a new export data set by clicking
the plus symbol in the upper right corner of the screen. Enter name, path and time
interval to meet your requirements. You may then add the data sources to log by
clicking the plus symbol in the “Data sources” window section. You may add an
unlimited number of data sources to each export data set, the total number of ex-
port data sets is also unlimited.
8. Sensor configuration
Sensor configuration
Sensor configuration
Sensor configuration
Select “Sensors” from the device list below the “VISION RGBpx” entry. In
the upper area, the seventeen available sensors are displayed including
current data. In the lower area, the currently selected sensor can be con-
8.1. Hardware temperature sensor
Hardware temperature sensor
Hardware temperature sensor
Hardware temperature sensor
The first sensor in the list represents the temperature sensor of the VISION RGBpx
module. The temperature can be displayed either in degree Celsius of Fahrenheit.
The log interval determines the time difference between sensor data continuously
stored in memory and thereby the time period displayed in charts.
If necessary, each temperature sensor can be calibrated by adding an offset of
±15 °C/°F.
8.2. Software sensors
Software sensors
Software sensors
Software sensors
The last sixteen sensors in the list are software sensors and can be used to transmit
sensor data that is not physically available to the VISION RGBpx module from the
computer by USB connection.
The log interval determines the amount of time between any two sensor readings
continually stored in device memory and thereby the total time interval displayed in
graphical charts. Select the appropriate unit for each configured data source as
well. For manipulation of the displayed sensor value, a scale factor and an offset
may be configured. Data from third party software regularly requires the scale fac-
tor to be adjusted.
Transmission of sensor data via USB interface
During installation of the aquasuite, the background service “Aqua Computer Ser-
vice” is also installed. This service supplies various data from PC components and
imported data from aquasuite web, additionally sensor data provided by third par-
ty software can be accessed. In order to access third party software data, the third
party software has to be correctly installed, configured and running.
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Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
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Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen