ISDN Router Manual V.1.1
10. Re-Flash the New Software
10.1 Normal Re-Flash Procedure
To provide the upgraded software function in the future. The router had been installed with the
flash EPROM for re-flash the new software function. Usually you should get the zipped (*.ROM)
file directly from your local dealer or from your local agent’s web site. After you get the *.ROM
file please do following carefully.
(5) Use any terminal programs that support ASCII file transfer function such as HyperTerminal.
(6) Enter the terminal mode and make sure the configuration is as identical as follows.
115200 baud rate
. 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1)
. CTS/RTS hardware flow control
(7) Type AT and check router responding “OK”
(8) Type
the screen will display the following message.
Download New Code To Flash (y/n)?
(9) If you typed “n” screen will displayed
“Power Reset To Continue”.
You need turn off the router and restart.
(10) If you typed “y” the screen will display :