AWG08-001 Audio Warning Generator
Installation and Operation Manual
January 21, 2019 Rev: 1.01
Page 2-4
ENG-FORM: 805-0102.DOTX
Direct Audio Inputs
The direct audio inputs (DIR AUD IN) are adjusted based on their associated rated input level to achieve a
specific internal level that is presented to the audio outputs. Any adjustment of these inputs will have a
subsequent effect on the outputs.
Warning Level [Non-TSO]
The warning (TONE) level adjustment matches the output from the internal warning generation circuitry to
the same internal level as the direct audio inputs (DIR AUD IN). Any adjustment of warning (TONE) level
will have a subsequent effect on all the outputs.
Adjustment of warning (TONE) level should only be made after the audio outputs (AUDIO OUT) have
been adjusted for each specific audio system installation.
Audio Outputs
The audio outputs (AUDIO OUT) are adjusted to meet the rated output levels and are based on the specific
internally adjusted direct audio input (DIR AUD IN), and warning (TONE) level. These outputs can be
adjusted using the (AUD OUT) level adjustment to better suit specific audio system installations.
Level Adjustments (Field Adjustable)
During installation, when setting the output levels, it may be necessary to adjust the AWG08. Refer to
cautions section above for adjustment limitations. Determination of load and delivered power requirements
for the aircraft installation configuration needs to occur prior to output level adjustment.
A. The preferred method is to only adjust the audio output (AUD OUT) potentiometers to achieve the
desired level. Rated output is achievable when the inputs are known to be at their rated levels.
B. Ensure that the direct audio input (DIR AUD IN) levels being supplied from the aircraft audio systems
are at their rated levels. If the rated input levels can not be met, the AWG08 will not be able to meet
rated output.
C. The AWG08 direct audio input (DIR AUD IN) adjustments are only intended to attenuate known audio
levels that are exceeding the rated input levels. Adjustment to any of the AWG08 direct audio inputs
(DIR AUD IN) or warning (TONE) audio will have an impact on the associated output levels. When
adjustments are made, re-check the other output levels supplied by the other inputs.