Copyright © 2015 anioGPS. Todos los derechos reservados
File Name: AnioMOTO A201
Creator: Stiven Arcila
Created on: 14-‐01-‐2015
Updated on:
If you are having problems with your device, please try one of these troubleshooting
procedures before contacting our Technical Support Department.
Device can’t power
Battery is too low
Recharge Battery
Device doesn’t
respond to SMS
GSM antenna was not installed
Use the device in good GSM
network coverage
Battery is too low
Connect power cable to car battery
directly or use 12V charger to
charge it for 3 hours at least.
GSM signal is weak
Just wait for a while, the SMS is
delay for weak GSM signal
Wrong password in your SMS or
wrong SMS format
Write correct password or SMS
The SIM card runs out of credit
Recharge credit of the SIM card
SIM has PIN code set
Remove PIN code by inserting SIM
card in your phone and deleting the
SIM is warped or damaged
Inspect SIM card, clean the
contacts, if re-‐installing does not
help, try another to check.
Roaming not enabled
If you are in another country, your
SIM card must have roaming service
Reply SMS starts
with ‘Last’
The device does not have clear
view of the sky
Move antenna to a location where
the sky is visible
The device is indoor
Make it work in an open area
Battery power is low
Recharge device