Copyright © 2015 anioGPS. Todos los derechos reservados
File Name: AnioMOTO A201
Creator: Stiven Arcila
Created on: 14-‐01-‐2015
Updated on:
is the tracker connection status to the FMS platform
ON: The tracker has connected to FMS platform successfully
OFF: The tracker
has not
connected to the FMS platform successfully
Fail: The tracker has failed to connect to FMS platform
is the external power connection status:
ON: The tracker has connected to the external power successfully
OFF: The tracker did not connect to the external power successfully
In the event the tracker does not receive a GPS signal, it will send an SMS
message reading “
” to your mobile phone which will be the information of the
last location where the tracker successfully received a GPS signal.
In addition to the information above, you can also track your GPS positions through
FMS or, which includes the Google maps feature.
Manually input the latitude and longitude from your SMS response and click the
"Locate" button. It will display your location on the map. Please see the following