Copyright © 2015 anioGPS. Todos los derechos reservados
File Name: AnioMOTO A201
Creator: Stiven Arcila
Created on: 14-‐01-‐2015
Updated on:
3rd command: 000000ASKSVR
Tracker responds with “Query Parameter OK, SVRXXXXX,XXXX”, (please verify this is
the correct FMS domain and tracker port number). If incorrect, please go to section and set the correct Server again.
4th command: 000000ASKGTI
Tracker responds with “Query Parameter OK, GTIXX”; if the answer is 0 (zero), please
go to section and set the Time Interval again.
If additional help from AnioGPS is necessary, please submit your FMS login access
and tracker’s full responses to the above four SMS commands and 000000RCP to
[email protected].
SOS Alarm
In case of emergency, press the SOS button to activate SOS Alarm. The device will
send SOS SMS to preset specific numbers and then dial the first SOS Number.
Set SOS Number
The telephone number that is set as the primary SOS number will receive all of the
alarms from the device.
Command Format:
<SOS Number>
Once you press the SOS button (black button in plug-‐in wires), will get SOS alarm on
phone 13112374567.
Set 3 SOS Numbers
This command will allow you to set up to 3 SOS numbers. If only one SOS number is
necessary, the device will send an SMS message and prompt a call that number after
the SOS button is pressed. If you set 3 SOS numbers, the device will send SMS
messages to all three SOS numbers but will only actually call the first one.
Command Format:
<SOS1 Number>
<SOS2 Number>,<SOS3 Number>