Function and setup
Edition 02.19
84 / qTOWER
84 G
The fluorescence dyes then emit a light of longer wavelength that is bundled through
the lenses in the shuttle system and passed via the optic fibers back to the color mod-
ules. In the color modules the light passes the beam divider followed by two emission
filters and is then transferred to the photomultiplier (CPM) for detection.
The filter wheel of the photometer can be populated freely with a choice of color filter
modules. In addition, color filter modules can be retrofitted at any time, extending the
application spectrum of the device. A total of 12 color filter modules are available. This
also includes filter modules especially optimized for FRET applications. You can chose
color modules from all absorption spectra of the standard fluorescent dyes, from the
blue through the red excitation range.
Fig. 2
Schematic structure of the Epi fluorescence photometer