Working with Mirror Modes
To use the Mirror mode, just perform your setting and operation from the Matrix output #1.
Nevertheless you can do manipulation on the output #2 at any time.
For a perfect use, set up the output format and rate for the output #2 as for the output #1 using the
synchronise button:
Output 2 → Synch w/Out 1
The Mirror Matrix Mode is a specific Matrix Mode where the output #2 will be the perfect mirror
copy of the output #1. In that way, each settings apply to output#1 will be performed on the output
#2 too.
Mode Menu → Native Matrix mode menu → Mirror Mode
Clone mode:
The output #1 and #2 will be the same. All changes on the
output #1 will be affected to the output #2. Layers will have
the same position and size.
For the ❶, ❷, ❸ & ❹ modes:
Mirror Mode activated only for the PIP layer
All backgrounds are Frames
Using the Matrix Mode, several configuration are available, the Simple Mode and the Mirror Mode.
Using the Mirror Mode:
Select the PIP layer and go in the Layer menu, then select the “Layer Copy Mode” menu.
There are several mirror positioning options:
To use the Mirror Mode, simply select the Matrix Mode by the Main menu, then the Mirror Mode can
be activated thanks to the PIP layers menu.
1- No Copy:
this mode is the standard Matrix Mode, output #1 and #2 are independent...