ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panelss
This section describes the solutions to possible hardware/firmware issues that could arise during the
common operation of a ViewPoint touch panel.
Troubleshooting Information
The RED LED on the docking
station is flashing for extended
periods of time.
• The RED LED on the ViewPort will blink at the beginning of the
charge, when its going through Pre-Charge qualifications on the
battery. This means that the base is making sure that the battery
voltage is not too low, not too high, and the battery temperature is
below a preset limit.
• Usually, this test only lasts for a couple of seconds. If, however, the
temperature is too high; it will wait until the temperature is within
specs to begin charging. If the voltage on the battery is too low, it will
pulse trickle charge the battery until it is within specs, and then begin
a fast-charge.
• If the Red LED continues to flash for more than a few minutes,
carefully/cautiously feel the battery to see if it is hot to the touch. If it
is, let it cool down, then retry the charging.
• If the battery is not hot, let it go through the trickle charge for 30
minutes or so. If the trickle charge does not bring the battery back
into charging specs, there is a good chance that the battery has a
bad cell. Replace the battery.