Using The IR Manager
ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panels
produced for that manufacturer. For example, the next IR file for a Sony file would be
“SONY0002.IRL”. The next would be “SONY0003.IRL”, and so on.
If the manufacturer name takes up eight or more characters, it is automatically truncated to make
room for at least one digit. For example, an IR file for a Pioneer device might look like
Entering Capture IR Mode
The NetLinx Studio IR Manager allows you to capture and verify IR codes from hand controls via
the IRIS Infrared/Serial Data Capture Unit. The IRIS unit connects to the PC running NetLinx
Studio via serial port. Refer to the
IRIS Infrared/Serial Data Capture Unit
instruction manual for
detailed installation and operating instructions.
The IRIS unit must be set to communicate at 9600 baud.
This means that before you
can capture IR codes, the IRIS must be connected to a PC running NetLinx Studio, and the PC’s
Master Communications Port must be configured with the settings listed in the table below. Set the
PC’s communication rate via the Com Properties dialog box (select Master Comm Settings in the
Tools menu, and click Configure in the Communications dialog box to open).
To capture IR code:
In the IR Manager window, select the Channel/Function you are going to capture.
Click Capture in the IR menu, or click the Capture toolbar button to open the Capture IR dialog
box. This dialog box displays the selected Channel number (read-only), and the Function
Name assigned to the Channels (if one is assigned). The Function Name can be edited in this
dialog box, if necessary.
Click Capture to capture an IR code.
Capturing Hand Control IR Functions
The IRIS unit uses several different modes to capture and identify different types of hand controls.
The modes are called
Capture Mode, Special Mode
Modes P5 - P7
. You should first try to
capture your IR functions in Capture Mode. If it doesn’t work, try Special mode. If you are still
having trouble, try modes P5-P7.
Communication Settings for PC/IRS Communication
Suggested Setting
Baud Rate
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Flow Control