The new password must contain 4 - 16 characters and alphanumeric only.
In case you forget the IP address and/or the login password newly changed for DCP-
MTX, please reset the device using the “RESET” button on the rear panel. For more
information, please go to “9. RESET”.
The System section is for resetting and rebooting the DCP-MTX device as well as
setting the Automatic Logout from the Web UI.
1) System
The System sub-section is used for restoring the DCP-MTX to factory default settings
or rebooting the system.
• Factory Default: Click to reset the device to factory default settings.
• Reboot: Click to reboot the device.
2) Automatic Logout
The Automatic Logout sub-section is to enable or disable automatic logout from Web
• Enable ON/OFF: Click to turn on or off the Automatic Logout function. When
switched ON, the Web UI will automatically logout and return to the login window
if the Web UI becomes inoperative or inactive after a period of Delay Time.
• Delay Time (min): Set the Delay Time to logout the Web UI since it turns inactive.