AMTC WR3005 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 46




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Содержание WR3005

Страница 1: ...WR30 Wirel User 005 less N 3 Guide 300Mbp ps Wi Fi 1 Router r ...

Страница 2: ...out s o ensure ac document d 2 Shenzhen M ks or registe tion includin ublication ca nto any lang MTC Co LT te at http w ations herein bility MTC r ut obligation sume any l s described ccuracy of t do not const MTC Co LT ered tradem ng its acces an be repro guage in an D If you wo www szMTC n are for refe reserves the to notify any iability that d herein Ev he contents titute the wa TD All the p ma...

Страница 3: ...ter product nea o dampness ct or discon lots of this p roduct a wall socke AC power so into a wal gas leakage s properly so erated from t er available e mains and d on the prod exposed to he wall sock sol cleaners e is for WR3 is 0 40 3 Safety In rvice it it ma ar a radiator dust or cor nnect it fro product for i et 100 240V urce l socket m e o that peopl the type of p consult the d refer the p du...

Страница 4: ...ats t This format importance of note may loss of data This format will save tim Description e ser guide be This user g guide to highligh Desc is used to h or special in result in ine or damage is used to h me or resourc of fields on efore you st guide applie ht special cription ighlight info nterest Igno effective con to device ighlight a pr ces the device G tart This us es to PW50 messages rmatio...

Страница 5: ... Basic S 3 5 2 Securi 3 5 3 WPS S 3 5 4 Acces 3 5 5 Conne LAN Settings 3 6 1LAN Se 3 6 2DHCP S 3 6 3 DHCP Expert Settin 3 7 1 URL F 3 7 2 Port R 3 7 3 DMZ S 3 7 4 DDNS ructions on rview ture g Mechanism roducts front roduct rear p uirement nstruction ng Prepared lment Environ g the Device M outer us m Status Status tatus ess Status tings Settings Parameters Address Clon gs Setting ity Settings Set...

Страница 6: ...n 3 10 7 Syste x onfigure PC T Windows 7 Windows X roubleshootin actory default emove Wirele Windows 7 Windows X afety and Emi te WEB Ping ol ls e Settings kup Restore ore to Factory ware Upgrad oot nge Password em Log TCP IP Setting P ng t settings ess Network f P ission Statem y de d gs from Your PC ment 6 C 53 55 55 56 58 58 60 61 62 63 63 64 66 66 66 72 74 75 76 76 79 80 ...

Страница 7: ...te w urchase of th which creat it can trans ncluding SS WPA2 PSK W his User Gu provided i he actual sit Ports four L 0Mbps trans IEEE 802 3 support stat timing cont management 7 r 1 Intro his outstand tes a wirele mit wireless SID broadca WPA PSK uide stands f n the pictur tuation LAN port and sfer rate 3 802 3u IE ic routing trol on the In t duction ing 300Mbp ss network s data at the ast control...

Страница 8: ...2 1 Ap 2 1 1Th The LE ppearan he produc ED indicato Chap nce cts front p or displays pter 2Co panel informatio 8 nnecting on about th g Mecha e device s nism status ...

Страница 9: ...e Off The do Solid WA Off No nking Da Solid The Off The act nking Da Off No nking Da Solid LA cable or via access direc nternet card XP Window Ind PS is disable egotiation is in Fi Protected e device is po e device is po wn AN connectio o WAN conne ta is being tra e WLAN conn e WLAN conn tivated ta is being tra o LAN connec ta is being tra N connection a xDSL Cab ctly do not ne or wireless w 7 Win...

Страница 10: ...inform formation as ses a PPOE d ou use a DH our ISP giv on you will ess Mask ay erver te DNS Serv et Access P s SSID M onnection inf 10 or Firefox ou need to p 8 or higher b P Internet Co he incoming Internet ser ation neede sk your ISP E Internet c CP Internet ves you a need to gat ver Optiona MAC address formation pr prepare the f browser onnection Ty Internet side rvice provide ed to connec to...

Страница 11: ... factor will ha Connectio ting please ided by ISP measures t L connect t Cable This c our PC to thi nment en install an ave influenc on make sure to connect he internet 11 can be foun s device nd use ce on the dis that you ca t your dev please follo d in the pro stance of wir an surf the in vice ow step 1 4 duct packag reless transm nternet in yo as graphica ge You will mission our compute al show...

Страница 12: ...ou Obtain DNS Control Pan and Interne adband put connect your t you ever co nect your co r adapter A ower adapte TCP IP Set uter please S server add nel et 12 the network r device onnected to mputer Ethe nd the hardw er otherwise ttings make sure dress autom k line into th o the comput ernet port wit ware connec it will dama your compu atically from e WAN port ter with the r th the router ction is...

Страница 13: ... Clic Clic ck Network ck Change a andSharing adapter set g Center tings 13 ...

Страница 14: ... Clic Sel Sel ck Local Are ect Internet ect Obtain a ea Connect t Protocol V an IP addre tion and sele Version 4 T ess automat 14 ect Propert TCP IPv4 a tically and c ies nd click Pro click OK operties ...

Страница 15: configure the same subne 0 so your I ea Connecti e IP address et because P should se 15 on Propert s manually p the router s et 192 168 1 ies windowt please set th s default IP i XXX XXX to save your he PC s IP a s 192 168 1 cannot be 1 r settings ddress and 1 the subn router IP net mask ...

Страница 16: ...v N IP automa LAN IP will network seg ed with up is unknown evel router a ly display th Enter key 16 uring the ity launch a er You ca wr3005 setu oid abnorma it will adjust vel router s atically For become 192 gment this d level router n to the use assigned bo he login pag e Device a web brows an login to p cn al of IP conf t itself as fol LAN IP at t r example t 2 168 10 1 device s LA this device...

Страница 17: ... support w n of equipme sers and the played as g er the curre n N You can c condary nav web page fu ent software same brow gray feature nt configura 17 change the la vigation bar nction displa wsers but diff es or param ation anguage be configurati ay will appe ferent versio meters displ etween Engli ion zone h ear abnorma on the web p ay device d ish and Fren elp informat al please ref page may d...

Страница 18: ...ary condary ration zone nformation User ca menu S section 18 n easily Sel Select the re Con The help Descript ect functions esults display nfigure and v p information tion s in the nav yed in the co view area n of current p igation bar onfiguration page ...

Страница 19: ...e sh ed web page ments n gure he screen th mation pleas creen or log hown if you e elements d 19 he help inform se click the s gin by small want to refe description Scan t Goto mation may symbol screen term er the navig Descr the informat the configu become minal the n ation bar me iption tion automat ure page dire as above s avigation ba enu please tically ectly shown if ar menu click the ...

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Страница 21: ... k NEXT k Save to co mode confi ps ect AP mo ter SSID se ect Securit ter the Pass ck NEXT e s Router and ode is Route configure to WR3005W Dynamic IP onfigure the onfirm gure ode and click lect channe ty Mode an Phrase enter the nex d AP er You can c WAN port P Static IP wireless info k NEXT bu l nd WPA alg xt page 21 change the o P PPPOE rmation utton gorithms operation m E mode mode on the quick...

Страница 22: ...Connected fication ur settings of multi fun nt wireless L able and aft onnection w will behave will be perfor enter the sy s LAN Sta Clients Sys 22 ction is Acc LAN clients er connecte ith the wirele as a WAN rmed betwee ystem status atus Wirel stem Version ess Point In In this mod ed this devic ess signal port for wire en the WAN s web page less Status n Running T n this mode de this dev ce send ...

Страница 23: ...h Internet ti s total time t us fication ype It displa tatus The n dress MAC dress obtain Obtained fr ays the num e Version the time dur ed and rene stem time on ime servers the router is ays the curre network con C address of ned from ISP rom ISP 23 mber of DHC ration indica ewed upon p n this device turned on ent access m nection stat f your ISP s P CP clients ting how lon poweroff The device mo...

Страница 24: ...ond s fication he Router s The Router the status o SP ained from IS Obtained fro ccess metho ed ateway Prim he router su wever if you fields will d ternet or not dary DNS se LAN IP Add r s LAN subn of DHCP ser 24 SP om ISP od for dynam mary DNS S uccessfully c connect th display the t erver field t dress not yo net mask rver mic IP or PP Server Seco connects to he router to settings yo there is no...

Страница 25: ... The r address is 1 bnet mask v a DHCP se Status fication The name of AC Address e Channel of e Encryption SID is WR3 address You el is AutoSe router s phys 92 168 1 1 value is 255 rver here sh fWireless s of Wireless f Wireless n schemes 3005_XXXXX u can find it elect 25 sical address 255 255 0 hown as ena s XX where on the labe s abled Otherw XXXXXX is l attached o wise disable s the last s n th...

Страница 26: ... the A o improve th other mode ettings k Settings e arameters ings to WR3005 and Select Settings fication ype It displa AutoSelect t he efficiency the channe enter the Ne MAC Add WAN port Network Se ays the route 26 the wireless y of the signa el will not ch etwork setup dress Clone ettings ers mode s signal will al it works f ange all the p web page e choice the for most cas e time not m in this ...

Страница 27: ...SP Internet s uses a DHC If your IS incoming PPOE co Static IP teway MTU 27 DHCP PP SP provides Internet s ateway IP a atic IP conne P provides yo ide but no IS CP connectio SP provides Internet sid nnection U DNS POE Instruc s you with ide IP info address DN ection ou with an Et SP login acco n s you with e and ISP lo ction an Etherne rmation IP NS server a thernet cable ount or IP in an Etherne ...

Страница 28: ...ter to c namic IP mo ps ck Network ect WAN Se ect Connect ck Save to fication ype Select ubnet Mask Enter the ISP save your se choose the d ode k Settings ettings tion Type D confirm Static IP k WAN sub P information ettings default value Dynamic IP 28 net mask G n you gathe es Gateway Pr red inGettin imary DNS gPrepared Server Secondary ...

Страница 29: ...Clic s U better to c OE ps ck Network ect WAN S ect Connect ter the ISP lo ck Save to ck System S choose the d k Settings Settings tion Type P ogin UserNa confirm Status W default value PPOE ame the IS WAN Status 29 es SP login Pas s to confirm ssword ...

Страница 30: ... sion Unit It ault value is pplications a onnections t OE environm ze to use for e DHCP env P environme ue may cau certain web cessary but an try to cha 30 is the size 1500 are listed in hat do not u ents r pinging La vironments ents or with use Internet c bsites fram if a specific ange the MT of the large the table be use PPOE or arger packe VPN communicat es within w website or w TU value to 1 e...

Страница 31: ...e ty confirm fication mode you ca ates in Auto ons you m outer s WAN r better per uplex mode ata ype n set the va o negotiation ight need t N port is long rformance E as the rem 31 alue to match n or Auto to change t ger than 100 Ensure that ote link part h with the st mode by de the port mo 0m you may your router tner If not y tatus efault Usua ode For ex y need to us r s WAN po your router s all...

Страница 32: ...rv re copies yo k Settings ddress Clon s page from Factory Def o factory De ave your set AC address PC s MAC ave your set nter the MAC address allo ave your set fication ress The co ne vice Provide our current P ne m three meth fault MAC efault MAC ttings s of the com Address ttings C address a owed by you ttings omputer or b 32 ers require PC s MAC ad ods mputer that allowed by ur ISP broadband m...

Страница 33: ... uter Also yo e computer w ings Settings en WPS Set ing gure the bas ettings Settings le k Mode me Default el el BandWid MAC Rese utton copies ou can man whose MAC nter the conf ttings Acc sic wireless s name is WR dth 33 t the router s s the MAC nually enter t C address is figure page cess Contro settings of t R3005_XXX s WAN MAC address of the MAC ad allowed by here you ol Conne he router XXXX C...

Страница 34: ent R3005_XXX e or Disabl eof the wire t Enable to abled If you ddress of the used chann ault is AutoS lect an app M when the tered XXXX by def 34 le less networ o enable th disable it th e device s w nel by the r elect propriate ch e network ha fault where k and can b he router SS he wireless d ireless interf router Sele annel band as 11b g n to e XXXXXX i e modified SID to be s devices mus fa...

Страница 35: ...ettings ty Settings y Mode o use you se u can find it user it is adv er items unc Select a co delivers wire delivers wire rk mode del ork mode de ts function yo k resources or intruding y ettings and c 35 on the labe visable to o changed orrect mode eless speed eless speed livers wirele elivers wirele ou can preve without you your wireless click Save l attached o nly change according t up to 11Mb ...

Страница 36: ...Supp Supp nal Both wirele ou can enab pports the se 36 PA2 Perso open this fun port AES and port AES TK WPA Perso ess clients c le personal elected encr nal Mixed Instruct nction d TKIP ciphe KIP and TKIP onal and W can join your or mix mode ryption meth WPA WPA2 ion er types P AES ciph WPA2 Person r wireless ne e but you m hod 2 Persona er types nal secured etwork must make s l ure that ...

Страница 37: ...p to elected bot terval Ente rotected Acc is 12345678 vacy is the sers wiretapp standard is o300Mbps ty Protocol R WEP passwo o 54Mbps th AES and er a valid tim 37 cess Algorith 8 wireless tra ping or invad s an iterative Responsible ord outermo d TKIP secu e period for hms nsmission o de the wirele e symmetric e for handling ost layer of ured wireles the key to b of data betw ess network c key gr...

Страница 38: ... you c ensure the ork card doe ngs Settings ettings Expansion with two ma s network un s network en fication choice WPA e security o es not suppo ain functions nencrypted ncrypted WP 38 A Personal of wireless ort security WPS can q PS can mak AES m network M mode caus quickly encr ke you quick mode mak Meanwhile a se cannot c ryption your ly connect y ke sure the avoid some connect the wireless ne...

Страница 39: ...ion eless SSID ryption and safe mode ntrol ss control is e wireless n Settings s Control ods d physical o nnect WPS tton on the r panel of the hes two minu your wireless safe mode password is unencryp s actually ba etwork 39 or logical but rear panel e WPS butto utes During s signal resumed to after the co pted ased on the tton on a wir for the PBC on for 3 seco g this time In not configu ompletio...

Страница 40: ...Control App own noteboo Control is ba nicates with wireless clie NLY the spe w ONLY the plication Ex ok at the MA 40 ased on the h the Router ents to join y ecified wirele e specified w xample AC address MAC addre or not your wireles ess clients to wireless clien of 00 12 35 ess of the wi s network o join your w nts to join yo 5 EC DF 25 reless adap wireless netw our wireless to join your ter work...

Страница 41: ...ress of F 25 dd the MAC save your se ess MAC add ant to config our wireless wireless dev n Status e current wi update the wireless address to ettings dresses can gure the co s network yo vice reless acce 41 s device you the MAC ad n be configur mplex wirel ou can conf ss list want to res ddress list red ess security igure a wire strict Here in y settings a less access n this examp and want to s co...

Страница 42: ...hether the ent list gs enter the LA List Bindin gs configure th s settings thr k Settings ettings ess Subne to the chan ere are unau AN Settings ng he basic par rough a web et Mask 42 nel bandwid uthorized ac page here rameters for b browser B dth instead o cesses to yo you can con LAN ports Be sure to m of wireless c our wireless nfigure LAN This IP add make a note connection r s network by port ...

Страница 43: ... router you h u have to se IP address not be able t er ttings the router re s the Router e Router s L he Router s et mask are ny changes y have to ope et the defaul and WAN IP to access Int 43 eboot autom r s LAN MAC LAN IP addr LAN subnet e respectivel you apply to n a new con lt gateway a P address c ternet atically C address ress t mask y 192 168 2 o this page nnection to t addresses of cannot ...

Страница 44: enable o d IP Addres These addre ss nfiguration P CP Server t dress pool s tain an IP Ad you have to et of the IP add ctions as a D onfigure the 44 or disable th ss You can esses should Protocol as the DHCP S specified in t ddress Auto o manually c dress lease DHCP serve TCP IP sett he DHCP se n specify the d be part of signs an IP Server will a this screen t matically configure the before it i...

Страница 45: ...ding ttings List Bindin fication ddress and M d to the DHC to update t whether the pecify a res ewed autom ced user the the router s btain IP g ng MAC Addres CP list the related D re are unaut erved IP ad 45 matically upo e default DH DHCP serv ss DHCP client thorized acc dress for a on expiry N HCP server s ver LAN in t information cesses by vi PC in the LA No additiona settings are the compute n...

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Страница 47: ...ct one policy t the access 0 0 0 0 it e ettings Filter tion Examp me PC 192 day Friday the Virtual S DDNS R filtering acce y from the d restriction in express 24 h ple 2 168 1 100 47 Server confi Remote WE ess If you w rop down m n details e g hours from acce igure page EB WAN P want to enab menu and en g the fixed ssing YouT here you c Ping ble this funct ter a policy IP range UR Tube from 8 an s...

Страница 48: save your s ings must be es can be co et up the sy and date for e esources on IP here for domain nam in name k settings e separated onfigured ystem time fo r the rules to n your PC wi 48 example 19 e of the web key words with a com or this devic o be effective ith your frien 92 168 1 100 b site you w with a com ma To matc ce click Sys e nds who are 0 ish to restric mma for e ch all websit stem...

Страница 49: ...Internet t field The pr P address o number your PC at r friends wa port forward P address I on the Intern rect service ver compute n firewall an our PC So it 49 from the In t Forwarding m external n type protoc rotocol and of your route t 192 168 2 ant to access ing feature nternet IP a net port number er always ha d some ant t is advisable nternet to yo g feature to networks col xxx xxx port are ...

Страница 50: ... h for the ap ply this func save your se ress is 192 eed to enter ngs Settings ttings IP which is start end por cations Her ddress of the 100 ocol required pplication tion Delete ettings 168 1 100 w ftp 192 168 the LAN IP 50 rt number w re in this exa e PC where d for the serv e cancel thi when access 8 1 100 21 i which ranges ample enter you want to vice utilizing s host config sing your FT n the...

Страница 51: ... risk A com nd becomes ost compute ain Name S a dynamic I oftware insta g messages dynamic do 51 ocal comput net gaming o the same tim mputer config vulnerable er to attack o ystem is su Internet IP a alled on yo s And the s omain name ter to be exp or videoconf me to one PC gured as th to attacks fr other compu upported in t address Eve our host wil server softw e resolution posed to the ferencin...

Страница 52: confirm S feature yo rst orts five DDN fication e Click the b der Select o nter the user ter the pass d Password ou need to h NS service p button to ena one from the rname that y sword that yo 52 d ave an acco providers D able or disab e drop down you use to re ou use to re ount with one DynDNS com ble the DDN n list and clic egister from gister from t e of the Serv m and 88ip c NS service ck S...

Страница 53: ... ps etter securit e do not use Enter the e WEB low the netw emotely plea ettings e WEB confirm fication agement po ty configure e the numbe effective reg work adminis ase select ort to be ope a port numb er of any com 53 gistered dom strator to ma Enable en to outside ber betwee mmon servic main name anage the ro e access en1025 6553 ce port 1 10 outer remote 35 as remot 024 ely If you wa te web m...

Страница 54: ... port numb Enable 6060 save your s 7 154 Type ccess the ro Expansion manageme ed address Int e Internet uter remotel enter the IP a pplication E address 17 er 6060 settings http 172 1 outer at your ent port to b 54 ternet IP ad y accessible address of t Example 72 16 87 160 16 87 160 60 r home remo be open to o ddress is a e to all PCs the PC for re 0 at your ho 060 into yo otely outside acce a pu...

Страница 55: ...uld preve ps Select the Select the Select the outing age you can Refresh to u g s to check t ent the ping e Expert Se e WAN Pin e Enable n view the ro update he status of test from W etting g outing table 55 f your intern WAN information net connectio on When disabling the test the ...

Страница 56: ...ce be trol s used to lim capability fo address of t mask for th router on the etween your mit communi r at most 25 56 the final de he specified e same LAN r router and ication spee 54 PCs spee estination destination N segment as the final des ed in the LAN ed control in 0 0 0 0 ind s the router stination N Up to 20 e ncluding for dicates any to reach entries can b IP address r network be range ...

Страница 57: ...downlink t ou can ask y L line usuall on Example vice with yo rnet which s s for the volu eighbor can 57 traffic should your ISP to p y refers to th e ur neighbor sharply frus ume of Inter only use up d not be la provide the v he download at 192 168 trates your rnet traffic he to 2M Intern rger than th volume of In d bandwidth 1 102 He Internet surf e can get F net traffic an hat allowed nternet t...

Страница 58: ...r se ools mTools en Restore to tings to select th heck the Ena number of th upload band n second bo ate download e current ru rule to the ru ettings ter the co o Factory e time zone 58 able box to he IP addres dwidth of PC ox d bandwidth le ule list onfigure pa firmware U e for your loc enable the T ss Here in Cs on the LA h of PCs on ge here y Upgrade cation If yo Traffic Contr this exampl AN Her...

Страница 59: ...tings ynchronize w one er the time save you set with your P m your host info will be l utomatically wall the ti with the inte and date ttings PC Specify 59 lost if the de y when the ime and da rnet autom manually or a time inte evice gets d device reco ate info sha matically in th r click Syn erval for per isconnected onnects to I all be set c he default si nc with you riodic updat d from powe Int...

Страница 60: Browse ck Save te e default con hen renamin Restore fication this button t this button t Tools Restore eep paramet to add an f nfiguration fi ng the file na to back up th to restore th ters file le name is ame to avoid 60 he router s c he router s co RouterCfm d problem configuration onfiguration cfg Do inc ns s clude the file e name suffix x of ...

Страница 61: ...he s word admin 255 255 255 168 1 1 his option a l have to rec factory defa o join a diffe y ry o reset all co settings you 5 0 ll current se configure Int ault settings erent networ 61 onfigurations have set S ttings will be ternet conne unless the f rk or unfortu s to the defa So please n e deleted an ection settin following hap nately forge ault values note down th nd be restore gs and wire ppe...

Страница 62: ... e and wait ade the firmw age the devic that you up r to the rout ged ernet and y irmware upg er the upgra e upgrade file for it to com ware make ce grade the d ter when th 62 our ISP or o grade by cl ade is compl e mplete sure you ar device s firm e upgrade our technica icking the eted the rou re having a c mware over is in proces al support a Upgrade aft uter will rebo correct firmw a wired co s...

Страница 63: ...der again Change P u can chan n feature d e Wifi Router n if setting fa Password nge the pas does not tak is to make th ailure happe ssword by 63 ke effect or he settings c ns this functi r the device configured g on e fails to fu go into effec unction corr t or to set th ectly try he Range ...

Страница 64: System Lo ction is to vie e Clear to Tools e Password ssword New save you se The defa word must b og ew the syste clear the sc d w Password ettings ault login pa be between em log Click creen 64 d and Conf assword is a 3 12 chara k the Refres firm New Pa admin cters and on sh to updat assword nly include l te the log etters numbers and ...

Страница 65: ...Set Step Clic Sel Clic Clic ps ck System ect System ck Refresh ck Clear to Tools m Log can update o clear the sc e the informa creen 65 ation ...

Страница 66: ...1 Con Windo Clic nfigure P ows 7 ck Start C PC TCP I Control Pan A P Setting nel 66 Appendix gs x ...

Страница 67: ... Clic Clic ck Network ck Network and Interne andSharing et g Center 67 ...

Страница 68: ... Clic Clic ck Change a ck Local Are adapter set ea Connect tings tion and sele 68 ect Properties ...

Страница 69: ... Select Internet t Protocol V Version 4 T 69 TCP IPv4 and click Pro operties ...

Страница 70: ... Select Obtain a an IP addre ess automat 70 tically and c click OK ...

Страница 71: ... Clic ck OK on the e Local Are ea Connecti 71 on Properties windowt to save your r settings ...

Страница 72: ...Windo ows XP Right click Right click k My Networ Local Area rk Places a a Connectio 72 nd select Pr on and selec roperties ct Propertie es ...

Страница 73: ... Select Inte Select Obt ernet Protoc tain an IP a col Version ddress auto 73 n 4 TCP IPv omatically v4 and click and click OK k Properties K s ...

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Страница 75: ...nternet Con MTU WAN Speed DNS IP Address Subnet Mas DHCP Serve IP Pool Time Zone Wireless 75 RJ 45 is pro Ethernet ca Ethernet por roperly insta access is w support if the ings of your Address Name word nnection Typ d sk er operly conn able RJ 45 rt alled and con working and c e Ethernet L device Defa 192 adm adm pe Mod 1492 1500 Stat Auto Disa 192 255 Ena 192 GM Cho Urum Ena nected to th 5 is pro...

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