OM033-4 - CA850 Series 5 Operating Manual
Next specify the name and location for the encrypted file. Click the
button next to the ‘Encrypted file’ field
and browse to select the required location and enter the filename in the usual way. Cli
ck ‘Open’ and the
window below will be displayed.
Note: if it is required to import this file immediately into the CA850 audiometer it should be named
‘exportdata.cry’ (as above). Otherwise the filename can be set as something more meaningful, but it
must be
changed to ‘exportdata.cry’
before importing to the CA850.
Next enter a 16-character alphanumeric password
(pass phrase)
which will be used to encrypt the file. This
password will be uniquely associated with the encrypted data file, and it must be noted for later use when
importing the data into the CA850 audiometer (or decrypting the data file on a computer).
Do not use more than 16 characters.
Although the data file will be encrypted, the CA850 will not be able to
dycrypt it.
If the password is lost then the data will no longer be accessible. But it is, of course, possible to repeat
the above process using the same original data file to produce a new encrypted file.
An example of a suitable alphanumeric password
(pass phrase) is shown in the window below.