MODBUS RTU Protocol over RS485 Communications
The Modbus address is entered in variable N1 for the Analyzer.
Directions for Writing to this Variable
Open the COMMAND CENTER and initiate communication with the Analyzer
When the COMMAND CENTER communicates with the Analyzer, go to the VARIABLES
Go to the User Input of the Variable Page. Click on the USER INPUT and
enter 'AMI' for the password when prompted. Then, return to the USER INPUT
In the USER INPUT, enter the following to change the address of the Modbus:
A0WN1<Address>, where <Address> is 1-255
Note: By default, it is set to 17.
Using the Modbus RTU command, you can read the Analyzer's Modbus register(s):
(Note: There are a total of eight bytes to send)
Byte 0 = Address (Modbus Bus Slave addressed to be entered into variable N1)
Byte 1 = 3
Byte 2 = 0
Byte 3 = Register (Register equals the Starting Register for the Modbus read)
Byte 4 = 0
Byte 5 = Count (Count equals the Number of Registers to be read)
Byte 6 = CRC Bytes
Byte 7 = CRC Bytes