The following non-menu setup programming functions are
accessible from AD full-function system keyboards.
NOTE: The keyswitch must be in the Program (PROG)
position for the non-menu programming functions.
System Reset
It may be necessary to clear all programmed information from
the 1996R CPU, and reset the system to factory defaults.
To clear and reset all 1996R programming (to factory defaults):
1. Turn the keyswitch to PROG position.
2. Enter the following keyboard F2 code combinations:
“55 F2” (Enter the number 55, then press the F2 key.)
“99 F2” (Enter the number 99, then press the F2 key.)
There is a 3-second period after the “55 F2” command has
been entered in which the “99 F2” command must be entered.
If the “99 F2” is not entered within the 3-second period, the
system does not reset.
Setting the Day of the Week
The day of the week must be set prior to programming the
Event Timers, page 4-10. Day of the week can be set from the
keyboard, or via the Set Date and Time menu, page 4-4.
To set the day of the week from the keyboard:
1. Turn the keyswitch to PROG position.
2. Enter one of the following keyboard F2 code combinations:
“61 F2” Sunday (SUN)
“62 F2” Monday (MON)
“63 F2” Tuesday (TUE)
“64 F2” Wednesday (WED)
“65 F2” Thursday (THR)
“66 F2” Friday (FRI)
“67 F2” Saturday (SAT)
“60 F2” Displays the current day of the week, for three
seconds, in the Status Line.
When a code is entered, the three-digit day code is displayed
for three seconds in the Status Line of the on-screen display.
Setting Date Format
There are three options for the on-screen DATE format. The
default DATE format is: MM/DD/YY. Date format can be set
from the keyboard using F2 key combinations.
To set the date format from the keyboard:
1. Turn the keyswitch to PROG position.
2. Enter one of the following keyboard F2 code combinations:
“21 F2” MM/DD/YY
“22 F2” DD/MM/YY
“23 F2” YY/MM/DD
“24 F2” Toggles through the three date formats each time
the code is entered.
Date format, day of the week, and the current time and date
may also be set from the Set Time and Date menu, page 4-4.
Monitor Display Arrangement
The arrangement of the titles and time and date displays in the
monitor on-screen display is changed by entering F2 key
combinations from the keyboard.
To change the arrangement of the on-screen displays:
1. Call the desired monitor.
2. Turn the keyswitch to the PROG position.
3. Enter one of the following keyboard F2 code combinations:
“1 F2”
Display date and time on the monitor.
“2 F2”
Remove date and time display from the monitor.
“3 F2”
Display camera title, camera number, and camera
status on the monitor.
“4 F2”
Remove camera title, camera number, and camera
status from the monitor.
“5 F2”
Display titles, date, and time at the top of the
monitor screen.
“6 F2”
Display titles, date, and time at the bottom of the
monitor screen.
“7 F2”
Display all titles, date, and time on the monitor.
“8 F2”
Remove all titles, date, and time display from the