The 1996R Central Processing Module controls the 2050
MegaPower II Matrix Switching System bays and provides the
programming menus for 2050 system setup. Several levels of
2050 system operating capabilities are provided through the
keyboards connected to the 1996R CPU.
System Keyboards
All 2050 system setup and control functions are accessible
through AD keyboards. For security purposes, certain
keyboards have restricted setup capabilities. Refer to the
appropriate keyboard installation manual and to the Appendix,
page A-9, American Dynamics Keyboards.
Several keyboards are available for use with the 1996R.
• 2078 - A full-function system operation and programming
keyboard with pushbutton lens control and vector solving
joystick for pan/tilt movement.
• 1678CM - A full-function system operation and
programming keyboard with pushbutton lens control and
vector solving joystick for pan/tilt movement.
• 1677 - An operator keyboard with pushbutton lens and
pan/tilt control.
• 1676B - An operator 5-monitor keyboard with pushbutton
lens control and joystick for pan/tilt movement.
As a security feature, 2078 and 1678CM keyboards have a
keyswitch for disabling all system setup functions. When the
keyboard security key is in the vertical position (or has been
removed when in this position), no system setup functions are
accessible from that keyboard. The video switching and
control functions are still enabled in this position.
Ten modular ports are provided on the rear of the 1996R
module (see Connections, page 1-3). These ports are for
system control inputs from keyboards, external computers, or
alarm interface units. Each keyboard uses one RS-232 port for
connection to the 1996R. Four keyboards may be connected to
a single port using a 1981 Port Expander.
An external computer can be connected to an RS-232 port for
system control inputs. Video switching and control functions
are provided, but setup programming capabilities are not
accessible from a computer control interface. Refer to the
Appendix, page A-10, for description of the Computer Control
Keyboard Control (Section 2)
Standard 2050 system operating capabilities are provided from
any American Dynamics keyboard. These system operations
are “monitor oriented” in that a keyboard controls only those
functions associated with the monitor and camera under
control of the keyboard. Keyboard control functions are:
• Video Selection - Monitor and Camera
• Controlling Site Camera (P/T/L)
• Activating Presets and Auxiliaries
• Running Tours
• Calling Salvos
• Acknowledging Alarms
Non-Menu Programming (Section 3)
Non-menu programming is provided for many 2050 system
setup functions. As a security feature, the 1678CM and 2078
keyboards have a keyswitch for disabling these non-menu
system setup functions. Non-menu setup functions are:
• System Reset
• Programming Preset Scenes
• On-screen Display Arrangement
• Setting Date and Time
• Setting Camera Video Loss Detection
• Monitor Tour Programming
• Alarm Programming
Menu Programming (Section 4)
Menu-driven programming is provided for most 2050 system
setup functions. Setup security is provided by a keyswitch on
the 1678CM and 2078 keyboards which controls access to the
programming menus. Menu setup programming functions are:
• Setting Time and Date
• Programming System Tours and Salvos
• Programming Event Timers
• Programming Alarm Contact Tables
• Establishing Status and Arming of Monitors
• Assigning Pseudo Camera Numbers
• Assigning Camera Titles
• Establishing RS-232 Ports usage
• Establishing Keyboard, Monitor, and Camera Access
• Establishing User and Keyboard Priorities
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