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2600-13 Press Control Module
MicroLogix 1500 & CompactLogix Resolver Module
Revision 2.1
Press Control Diagnostics
Brake Input: This parameter defines which of the module’s inputs is used to measure the time
between when the input transitions from ON to OFF and when the resolver stops moving. The
Stopping Angle, the position at which the falling edge of the input is detected, is also captured. These
parameters are reported to the PLC as part of the Get Attribute Data. This parameter has the
following ranges.
2611-13: Inputs 0 to 15
2612-13: Inputs 0 to 23
2613-13: Inputs 0 to 31
The stop time measuring function has a maximum value of 65535ms. The timer value will roll over
to zero and start again if this value is exceeded.
Complete Stop Count: This value determines the number of counts out of 4096 counts / turn that the
position can change by in 125ms and still be considered stopped during a stop time operation.
The Stop Time Count Value has a range of 0 to 255.
The Default value is 0.
If a value of 0 is entered, a value of 1 will be used.
The larger this value, the smaller the measured stopping time will be.
Virtual and Physical Input Fault Counter Mask: This bit level parameter determines which method
the module will use to count the number of times the die monitor input detects a fault condition.
This function counts how many times each of the die protection inputs have detected a fault. Each
counter can count from 0 to 255. If the count exceeds 255, the counter will roll over to zero and start
counting again. The counter for each input will function whenever the sensor check has been
enabled. The count value is reported to the PLC as part of the Get Attribute Data.
“0” = continuous count mode “1” = self resetting count mode
In continuous count mode, the count operation is independent of whether or not a die protection fault
affects the fault output, and the counters are reset to zero only at power up or when a clear error
command has been issued by the PLC.
In self resetting count mode, the counters are reset to zero if no error is detected between two
consecutive check window off setpoints, and cannot control the fault output.
This is a bit level parameter where a bit in one of the two words represents an input.
FAULT Output Mask: These three words determine whether or not the output will be affected by the
detection of a die monitor fault condition.
The first of the three words is the fault output to which the mask is being applied.
2611-13: Inputs 0 to 15
2612-13: Inputs 0 to 23
2613-13: Inputs 0 to 31