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2600-13 Press Control Module
MicroLogix 1500 & CompactLogix Resolver Module
Revision 2.1
Limit Switch Shifting Data
The 2600-13 does not necessarily fire its outputs based on the Scaled Machine Position. Each of the Limit
Switch outputs instead maintains its own internal position that can be offset or adjusted based on the state of
the module’s inputs. The
Limit Switch Shifting
parameters allow you to assign which of the 2600-13
module’s inputs will control these shifting functions.
Output Being Programmed: This parameter defines to what output the remaining Limit Switch Shifting
parameters are being assigned to. This parameter has the following ranges
2611-13 module range: 0 to 15
2612-13 module range: 0 to 23
2613-13 module range: 0 to 31
Limit Preset Input Number: When this input becomes active, the internal position that the Output Being
Programmed is using will be set to the Limit Preset Value. This parameter has
the following ranges.
2611-13 module range: 0 to 15
2612-13 module range: 0 to 23
2613-13 module range: 0 to 31
Limit Preset Value: This is the value to which the Internal Limit Switch Position will be set when the Limit
Preset Input becomes active.
This parameter has a range of (0 to Resolver Rollover Position)
Default Value = 0
Limit Nudge Up Input Number: When this input becomes active, the internal position that the Output Being
Programmed is using will be increased by the Nudge Up Value. The Limit
Preset Value will also be increased by this amount. This parameter has the
following ranges.
2611-13 module range: 0 to 15
2612-13 module range: 0 to 23
2613-13 module range: 0 to 31
Limit Nudge Up Value: This is the value by which the Internal Limit Switch Position and the Limit Preset
Value will be increased when the Nudge Up Input becomes active.
This parameter has a range of (0 to Resolver Rollover Position)
Default Value = 0
The Nudge Up parameter makes the output turn on earlier in the turn, and the Nudge
Down parameter makes the output turn on later in the turn. For example, assume that
you have programmed an output to turn on at 100 degrees and off at 150 degrees, and
that your Nudge Up value is equal to 10.
The output will fire from 90 to 140 degrees after the first inactive to active transition of
the Nudge Up Input, and from 80 to 130 on the second inactive to active transition of the
Nudge Up Input.