channel with ca. 5 seconds of air.
Press the suction valve to aspirate excess fluids or other debris obscuring the endoscopic
For optimal suction capability it is recommended to remove accessories entirely during
Insertion of Endoscopic Accessories
Always make sure to select the correct size endoscopic accessory for the aScope™ Duodeno.
Inspect the endoscopic accessory before using it. If there is any irregularity in its operation or
external appearance, replace it. Insert the endoscopic accessory into the instrument channel port
and advance it carefully through the working channel until it can be seen on the monitor.
Select the endoscopic accessories compatible with the aScope™ Duodeno. Refer to the
accessories instruction manuals for operating instructions.
Raise the elevator by moving the elevator control lever in the “Up” direction.
Hold the UP/DOWN and RIGHT/LEFT angulation wheels stationary.
Confirm that the tip of the endoscopic accessory is closed or retracted into its sheath and
insert the endoscopic accessory slowly and straight into the biopsy valve.
Hold the endoscopic accessory approximately 4 cm from the biopsy valve and advance it
slowly and straight into the biopsy valve using short strokes while observing the endoscopic
image. Confirm that the tip of the endoscopic accessory contacts the elevator.
Move the elevator control lever in the opposite direction of the "Up" direction to lower the
elevator. Advance the endoscopic accessory slightly and move the elevator control lever in
the “Up” direction. Confirm that the accessory appears in the endoscopic image.
Manipulate the elevator control lever to adjust the height of the elevator.
Withdrawal of Endoscopic Accessories
Close the tip of the endoscopic accessory and/or retract it into its shealth.
While lowering the elevator gradually, slowly withdraw the endoscopic accessory.
Withdrawal of the Endoscope
Stop using the image magnification (zoom) function of the aBox™ Duodeno.
Move the elevator control lever in the opposite direction of the "Up" direction until it stops.
Aspirate accumulated air, blood, mucus or other debris by depressing the suction valve.
Move the Up/Down locking lever to the "Down" direction to release the angulation.
Turn the Left/Right locking lever to the “F” direction to release the angulation.
Carefully withdraw the endoscope while observing the endoscopic image. Remove
mouthpiece from the patient´s mouth.
Ending A Procedure
Concluding A Patient Procedure
Disconnect the endoscope connector from the aBox™ Duodeno.
Open the roller pump housing and remove the rinsing tubing.
Remove the process water tubing and the bottle of sterile water from the bottle holder on
the aBox™ Duodeno.
Discard the sterile water bottle.
Turn OFF the insufflator or CO₂ source and disconnect the tubing from the aScope™ Duodeno.
Turn OFF the vacuum source / pump and disconnect the tubing from the aScope™ Duodeno.
After Use
Check if there are any missing parts, evidence of damage, cuts, holes, sagging, or other irre
gularities on the bending section, distal end, or insertion of the aScope™ Duodeno. Should