The table below shows the information that must be filled out. Please contact your hospital IT and/or department PACS
manager if you do not have this information available.
Information needed
PACS name
This is the name of the PACS. Used in the export menu to
select the PACS when transferring images and videos.
PACS Application Entity Title
The AE Title is maximum 16 characters
Host name
IP-address, MAC address or full web address for the PACS
Port number
Network port no. for the PACS
When all the fields have been filled out press
to save the PACS configuration. In the following window you can test
the PACS connectivity by pressing the "Test connection" button. If the the test fails, check the entered information is
correct and try again. For further assistance please contact your hospital PACS manager.
4.2.5. General settings
General Settings
under the
menu, you can enable and disable the
USB connector ports
, the
Live View
180-degrees rotation
access to archive without login
as well as set
user inactivity logout
Press the
tab in the tool bar on the left of the Live View screen
and press the
General Settings
Press the ON/OFF
sliders once to enable or disable functions
USB input
is used to enable and disable the USB ports. When USB input is
(slider set to OFF), the USB ports are
blocked and cannot be used to export recorded image files or perform software upgrades.
Live view controls
, the rotation of the graphical user interface can be locked so it does not rotate when the displaying
unit is physically rotated to have connectors to the left or right (see section 3.2). You can lock the orientation of the graphical
user interface to your preferrece, by disabling the automatic rotation when the interface is in your preferred position.
Access archive without login
function is used to enable and disable access to the archive without having to login.
When activated, please note that the Archive is no longer password protected. The Default User is provided Advanced
User privileges to access previous procedures and view, delete and export files. Please see section 4.3.1 for further
information on user types. In factory default this feature is disabled.
In the
User inactive logout
section, you set the time when the logged in user is automatically logged out if the
displaying unit has been inactive for the selected time. The displaying unit is defined as inactive when no visualization
device is connected and no functions on the graphical user interface are activated. You may choose the user should
be logged out while the displaying unit is turned on. Users are always logged out when the displaying unit is powered off,
Access archive without login
is enabled.
Enable 180 image rotation in Live View,
the 180 degrees rotation feature of the live image can be disabled. The 180
degrees rotation function is available in the
Image Adjustment
menu in the
Live View
screen (see section 5.1.2). When
the selector is activated the function is disabled and made invisible in the
Image Adjustment