Structure and function
ZG-TS BAG0203.2 06.19
Argus Twin
Argus Twin constantly measures and regulates the throwing direction
of the fertiliser spreader to optimise the lateral distribution.
The actual throwing direction is compared to the target values. If
there are deviations, the position of the delivery system will be ad-
The target throwing direction is taken from the setting chart or deter-
mined using the mobile test rig.
The throwing direction is measured by 7 radar sensors respectively
on each side of the spreader unit.
The throw direction depends on the fertiliser properties, working
width, spreading vane unit and spreading disc speed.
Argus Twin compensates for irregularities in the fertiliser, fertiliser
deposits on the spreading vanes, working on slopes, starting and
braking processes.
Health hazard due to radiation exposure!
Before you switch on the spreading discs, ensure that people main-
tain a safe distance of 20 cm from the sensors.
Argus Twin and mobile test rig!
Check the throwing direction using the mobile test rig with the Argus
Twin activated.
During the evaluation of the results from the mobile test rig, a
corrected value is automatically saved for the throwing direction.
For unknown fertilisers, the correct throw direction can be determined
with the mobile test rig. Use the throwing direction from a similar ferti-
liser as a basic setting.
Argus Twin is only permitted at ambient temperatures from -20°C to